A New Beginning

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Gazing up at the large mansion styled house, Adam Harmon was starting to think moving was a stupid idea. Los Angeles was much warmer than he'd first expected and he was already sweating a bit in his sweater.

His notebook full of almost done poems and little sketches of unwritten thoughts was, even though tightly gripped, damp. And now they were going to stay in a house that looked like it was stolen right out of a horror movie he'd seen when he was a kid. But still, as he read his newest poem out loud to his sister, he remembered that he shouldn't complain. He did this for his parents. And it wasn't as if he would say anything at all to them, anyways.

He was a very confusing, and silent young man. Speaking out of poems only, he didn't have many friends, other than his sister. He would choose the presence of a book full of poems and a quiet atmosphere over a living, breathing human being anytime.

''Great. So we're the Addams family now.'' Interrupting her older brother, Violet Harmon stopped in front of the porch of the house, her arms crossed. Just like her brother, Violet wasn't thrilled to move across the country. But unlike her brother, Violet didn't keep her opinions to herself. Having the ability to speak her mind, Violet was better at socializing than Adam.

Violet and Adam Harmon might have been brother and sister, but you wouldn't notice if you didn't know them. Violet was a girl, firstly, and Adam a boy. Where Violet had inherited the light hair and dark eyes of the family, Adam got the dark hair and the light eyes, making them the opposite of each other.

And not only their appearance were different, their interests, hobbies and clothing were different as well. Adam liked to read and write poems and Violet liked to listen to music and read actual books with storylines. Her brother wore sweaters, ripped pants, but she liked to wear long, thick layers of dark colours.

Rolling his eyes at the interruption, Adam closed his notebook. While their parents were desperately trying to make this work, to keep the family together and trying to keep everything in the bright light, Violet and her brother saw everything but the bright light. She definitely wasn't making it easy for Ben and Vivien.

''Come on, Vi.'' He gave her a nudge, making her look up at him. ''it's probably better from the inside.'' Violet scoffed, looking back up at the house and leaving Adam back to his thoughts. While Adam and Violet were really close, they never really acted like brother and sister. More like two really good friends. Although Adam did have the need to protect her, other than that he didn't have the 'older brother' vibe on him.

''It's a classic L.A. Victorian. Built around 1920..''

''What a surprise.'' Adam looked up from his notebook when Violet whispered it in his ear. He gave her a confused look. ''What did she say?'' He asked her softly. His sister chuckled. ''It was built around '20. No surprises there, don't you think?''

The boy didn't really know what he had expected that the inside of the house would look like, but agreed with Violet. So he chuckled and said; ''Yeah. You're right.'' Their real estate agent, Marcy, was a small, overly cheerful woman who almost reached the enthusiasm about the house, as Ben, which made the tour a bit more awkward for the two teenagers.

Noticing that his children were lagging behind in the small tour, Ben slowed his steps to walk in between them, wrapping his arm around Violet enthusiastically, his eyes wandering the same way Adam's did; to the adjacent rooms.

Ever since Ben decided that it was a good idea to screw one of his students, and then feeling guilty about it, he had tried too hard to make it up to his children. Violet, even though she tried very hard, was having difficulties with forgiving her father for what he had done. Adam would always see how she gritted her teeth and gave her parents a fake smile, but he knew how she really felt. He, however, didn't even try to forgive Ben.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2017 ⏰

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