Author's Note and Prologue

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Author's note:

Hey, it's Kate. So me and my friend biteme24 (a.k.a. Laura, If you don't know her, find her, she's amazing!) are writing different versions of the same idea that we came up with. It's kind of like Cyberbully mixed with Willow (by Julia Hoban, a MUST-READ!). Hope you love it, please read, comment and vote! ILY Laura!



What did she ever do wrong? Why did she deserve to be treated like this? She used to be a wallflower, content with being in the background, nothing more than another face in a yearbook. Now, after that one night, that one small mistake, she was a whore. She was a slut. Her very name was an insult. Never, ever, pull a Natalie Ferrington, or be scorned forever. This was her life.

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