Garroths risk

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"Where's garroth?" Aphmau asks scared.

That's a good point.

With all this jeffory drama I completely forgot about garroth.

I need to stop distracting myself.

We run outside into the cold air and try to hide from the guards.

I then hear a voice as Aphmau stops in front of me.

It's garroth. He's talking to his mother.

"What is he doing?" I silently whisper to Aphmau , but she seems not to notice me, or hear my voice.

Garroth you idiot..

Get back here!

All of a sudden he takes off his helmet.

I don't really pay attention to the conversation , I just stand there, my mouth wide open, surprised by the risk he is taking for his family.

Would my family do that for me?

Would anyone do that for me?!

No I'm being silly..of course they would!

I know some of my friends would anyway for example, Aphmau, kawaii chan, Travis...


I shake of the thought of him and his beautiful eyes and amazing hair...


I internally slap myself on the head and realise that Aphmau and garroth have run off.

Seriously am I invisible?!

Am I..?

Does anyone care about me? ...


Sorry for the short chapter!

The picture at the top is some Minecraft dairies characters in real life!

It's not all of them but I tried :3

The funny thing is Katelyn is Alex Dorame and she's like ma idol!

(Well one of them!)

And kawaii chan , Nicole and Michi are theledabunny !!!

(Another YouTuber I watch!)

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