Ch.20 hunter

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I woke up to Alex's arms wrapped protectively around my waist I smiled, I had missed Alex's warm embrace, hunter had the same embrace but something was different. his sent was different, his accent was different. he was different.

"Alex?" I say shaking him

"Hey baby girl. what's up?" he smiled

"Alex, I'm still dating hunter we can't do this." I state "and your dating melody."

"No I'm not. I broke up with her. and I know you are dating hunter. but if he hurts you, you know I'm here?"

"Yes I know." I smile I get up and take a quick shower putting on high waist shorts and a crop top that said 'hug me brotha' I walked around the bus looking for hunter. where the hell is this boy!?

I walked. into his room thinking he was there. well he was he was in his bed sleeping.

"Hunter?!" I yell I expected him to Shoot out of bed but he never did. "hunter get up." I yell worried I start shaking him but he's cold. "hunter please this isn't funny anymore!" I yell but he never woke up. I looked over on the other side of his bed. a note?

Dear sky,

I'm so sorry baby I just can't handle it anymore. this is not your fault so don't ever say that. Under the bed is a box. inside is something for you. please keep it forever. if you are ever scared just look at it and think of me. ill be watching you. ill talk to your mom and Noah ill tell them you love them! I love you too baby please don't do anything! don't hurt yourself because of me.

I know that you are crying but baby girl it will get better. please never forget me because I will never forget you. spend some time with Alex I know you still love him. I see the way you look at each other. the same way you looked at me. I know he still loved you. don't think that's why I ended it because its not. I've been going through depression and self harm. I'm sorry baby girl. good bye my little vampire I love you!

Love, hunter

I was full on crying. I can't believe this! why wouldn't he tell me I could have helped him! I got on the floor looking under his bed. there was a red rectangular box. I grabbed it and opened it, inside was a silver necklace It looked like there was a coin on it. the coin opened to show a little picture of me and hunter on my birthday last year.

I sat there crying I put the necklace on me and crawled into hunters bed I wanted him to hold me and tell me he's lying to kiss me. to be here with me. I wrapped his arms around me until zayn came in and found out what happened.


*****2 weeks later*****

I'm sitting in my room crying. I've been crying for 2 week strait! we already had a funeral I still blame myself I cut. directioners are still sending hate but not as much.

I singed onto twitter looking at my mentions one of them set me off.

@Harryscurles: @flysky hunter died because of you! you and your ugly ass face and your a whore! he knew you liked Alex but he still deserved to die! fuck you!

That's it!

@flysky: @harryscurles YOU BITCH HOW DARE YOU FUCKING SAY THAT! FUCK You everyone hates you burn in hell bitch!

I sat there crying till there was a knock on my door.

"Hunter?" I question barley above a whisper, but Alex walked into my room, once he saw my tears he ran over to me and wiped them away

"Baby come on let's get up, you need to shower and them we can crash in the living room but tomorrow you are gong out and I'm taking you shopping." I he said.

I didn't answer so Alex sighed and picked me up bridle style and carried me to the bathroom. stripping me of my clothes, honestly I didn't mind. before the tour Alex hunter Soula Sam and everyone else would play truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven, and other sexual games. we were now in LA for another two weeks.

Alex gently placed me in the tub after filling it up. he began to wash my hair as I thought about hunter. the necklace still hung around my neck.

After I got out Alex dressed me in shorts and one of Hunters shirts.

"Thanks Alex" I smiled he nodded and walked into the kitchen to make food. I got like twenty blankets and pillows and threw them on the ginormous couch. Alex came out moments later and set all the food on the coffee table. Alex put In insidious 2. I usually love scary movies but this is extremely scary. after like ten minutes I found my self hiding my face in Alex's chest.

We spent seriously the next twelve hours watching and eating. After a while I fell asleep in Alex's chest.


OMG I'm so sorry I didn't update! I wrote the story then deleted it so sorry!!!!

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