●Twenty-One: Evening Strolls●

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Despite how much I make out this guy to be an idiot, if it weren't for Akashi, he'd actually be my number one bae tbh

You could say this chapter is somehow a filler


Rubbing your hands for more warmth and with your hoodie over your head, you strolled through the bustling streets of Shinjuku. You passed by a street performer singing with his guitar, throwing some spare change into the case and continued on as you eventually wandered off to the huge park. The area was full of couples on their dates and some delinquents which you guessed were probably still high schoolers. Scoffing, you rounded the place where it was the darkest part, hopping onto the elevated pavement to stretch your limbs.

"P-Please leave me alone!" You heard a cry nearby. Going over to where the commotion was, you saw a high school girl getting ganged up by two hoodlums.

'Straight from a shoujo manga,' You thought in amusement.

"Not so fast, sweetheart. Won't you come with us?" One of them purred disgustingly.

"Yeah, we'll take it slowly." The other one licked his lips.

"I r-really need to go home now."

You tried not to puke at the juvenile sight, approaching them and placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, startling her.

"Don't you know that harassment cases are such a pain in the ass these days, you skirt-chasing dirtbags."

The guys snarled at you.

"This ain't got nothing to do with ya so stay out of this, ya twit!"

You forced a smile and ushered the girl to run which she did in hesitance.

"Hey! We ain't done yet--" You cut them off, stomping your foot on the concrete ground, your heels clacking.

"Do any of you guys want to play a game?" You stretched your fingers together.


"I've been looking for something to vent my anger on. You guys are perfect. I don't normally resort to violence, but..."

The next thing they knew, using your uninjured hand, your fist landed on one of them square in the face.

"Ackk! My nose!" He fell on his butt, clutching his face as his mouth bled a little.

"You'll pay for that, you damn woman!" The other guy lunged at you but you leaped out of the way with ease and poise, making a run for it.

"Catch me if you can, knuckleheads!" You cackled slightly, enjoying the action.

'God, it's been so long since I've done something like this. It's dark anyways so I don't have anything to worry about. Not to mention, they deserve it.' Your eyes flashed in excitement when the guy started chasing you like you expected.

"Fuck, come back here!"

You didn't stop running, hurdling over obstacles and bushes as if you were some kind of parkour expert, catching the attention of bystanders amongst the area.

"Why are you so slow?" You daunted him smugly, jumping over a bench as the guy cursed out loudly when he tripped behind you. Muttering an 'excuse me' you squeezed through the crowd with no problems, doing a somersault across the fountain then dashed further until you saw a partition.

'Thank goodness I took a bit of gymnastics before.' You climbed over the fence. Looking at the guy out of the corner of your eye, you tried not to laugh at his exhausted face.

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