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While Mer and Hic went over to the dragons I looked down at Buzz. I kissed his forehead and he just looked at me with his big green eyes and giggled. For the first time Buzz giggled. With me in front of him. I picked him up out of Punzies arms and he grabbed my nose. Oh my god my son is actually touching me and looking at me without screaming his little head off. Punzie looked just as surprised as me. I chuckled as I lifted Buzz up into the air and brought his face back down to mine. He laughed and put him on the floor. At which point he froze the ground beneath him. I forgot that he had my powers and Krystal has Punzies. I know right? Daughter called Krystal has the powers of Spring and son called Buzz and has the powers of winter. Weird but I don't care. They are both my children and I love them so much. I look at Punzie after picking Buzz up off the ground and walk over to her. I instantly crashed my lips into hers and gave her a very passionate loving kiss. She kissed me back and we kissed for a few minutes until Krystal came back over and wanted to try her healing powers again. Oh no, not with me this time she almost killed me. "Why don't you go get Uncle Hic to be the injured person this time sweetie" I asked. She thought about it and then replied with "okay daddy"

this should be fun.

She quickly returned dragging Hic by his wrist and he was chuckling. "Okay okay Krystal I'm coming" "come on come on Uncle Hic" she said dragging him across next to a tree. Me, Punzie and Mer walked over to the tree where Krystal let go of Hic. "Now be dead" she said plainly. Hic looked confused and looked over to me. I shrugged and he laid down on the floor. "Do you want to tell me what you are going to do to me ?" Hic said to Krystal. "Shh your meant to be dead Uncle Hic!" She said. "Okay okay I'm dead" and he rested on the floor but looked at us all. Punzie started to talk to Krystal. "Remember hunny just breathe and place your hand on the floor and the other one on Uncle Hiccup's tummy" Krystal looked at her hands and then the floor. Carefully she placed one hand on the floor and one hand on Hic's stomach. He looked scared as hell. He should be haha joking. I trust my daughter. Kind of. Punzie calmly said "now sing the song sweetie" Krystal took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She slowly started to chant her song which is slightly different to Punzies:
Power gleam and glow, let your colours shine, make the clock reverse bring back what once was on. Save what has been lost. Change the fate designed. Save what has been hurt, bring back what once was one , and what once was mine...

As Krystal was singing her song Punzie was keeping a close watch as vines started to wrap around Hic causing flowers to bloom which had special pollen to heal him. This time as soon as she finished her song she took her hand off of the floor so that the vines didn't suffocate Hic like they almost did with me until Punzie had to step in. Hic who was once petrified now just layed still until the last vine was back into the ground. He sat up slowly as Krystal opened her eyes. I didn't even realise she had them closed whole time. She looked scared until she saw Hic sat up at which point she pounced herself on him which sent him crashing back to the floor. He just laughed and tickled her while she smiled her little face off. "Well done my beautiful little niece" Hic said "thanks uncle Hic" she replied with. Punzie handed me Buzz while she ran over to our daughter. "I did it mummy" she said as she pounced into Punzies arms "yes you did sweetie I'm so proud of you" I walked over and said "well done my beautiful girl" and she said "thank you daddy" and she kissed me on the cheek. She ran off to go tell Ash as he was by the dragons working on the baby ones some more. I'm glad that our kids all get along well.

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