Reality's a Dream

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         I ran like I had never run before. The cold air stung my cheecks and vein like branches slit my arms and face. I was tired but I had to keep running. Each second my breathe became more shallow. My throaght stung and my mouth yearned for water. But no, I couldn't stop. This was life and death. Suddenly my feet collided with a tree root and I fell on the ground with a grunt. I heard footsteps approaching closer and I tried to get back up again but my oot as twisted in the treeroot. I pull frantically at my leg but I can't get it free. Then I see thier pale faces with thier black eyes I scream. My heart rate lifts and everything goes black.  

                                                                  6 Months Earlier 

       The school bell shrieked in my ears and I cringed. 

      "God do they have to make it so loud!" I complained. Sam shrugged

Sam had been my best friend since sixth grade. Her real name was Samantha but I called her Sam for short. We found each other when we were both being bullied for being too “boyish”. We got that name because we stood up for ourselves, we were strong, athletic, smart, and we weren’t afraid to pick up a bug. She didn’t say much and I said a lot and some how that had made us even closer because I couldn’t live without her and she couldn’t live without me. We needed each other.

Sam waved goodbye and headed off to French. I hoisted my backpack over my shoulder and ran to the other side of the school where Spanish was.

                I opened room 425 and took my seat. I was plain and simple nothing great about me. I had brown hair, brown eyes, I was not one of the pretty girls, but that’s ok with me. God made me who I am and I was made for something. That’s all that matters.

                Mr. Darzin cleared his throat. He was a creepy man who made me feel like I should have taken French with Sam and what we call Mr. Waldo. We call Mr. Waldo, Waldo because he is brunette wares big round glasses and a red and white striped t-shirt and sometimes takes you on “field trips” and makes you try to find him (in French of course).   On the other hand Mr. Darzin wore black clothes had stringy gray hair that went down to his shoulders and yellow teeth that stuck out over his top lip. He never smiled and had no idea how to speak Spanish. 

“Hello class.” His beady black eyes scanned the room to see if everyone was paying attention. I heard a giggle from the back of the classroom. Uh oh I thought. I covered my ears. I watched as Mr. Darzin scraped his long yellow thumb nail across the white board. A shrieking went through my ears. I looked towards the back of the room. The girl and her friend had stopped giggling. Mr. Darzin smirked.

“Please take out your Spanish worksheets and a pencil and work on it until I can say you can leave.” Mr. Darzin said, than seated himself on his teachers chair and started sharpening hid fingernails with his knife he kept on his desk.  

                                                                                 Chapter 2  

The school bell rand and I again complained about how noisy it was. I saw Sam and made my way to her. We excited school grounds and suddenly I saw a Raven perched on a car staring at me.  I shook it off and headed down the street. I kicked the fall leaves. Suddenly the sky became increasingly darker. I looked up and a swarm of Ravens were clouding the sky.  Sam fell into a ball and started to sob.

“Please go away. Please leave me alone. What did I do to you?” Sam shrieked.

“Sam!” I ran toward her and started shaking her.

“Sam what’s wrong?” She stood up and pointed to the sky.

“It’s coming.” She whispered. Fear was dancing in her eyes. She took my hand and started to run. The ravens were getting closer to us trying to attack Sam. I screamed. I saw the library up ahead. Sam tugged me in side. Ravens hit the windows trying to get in leaving bloody marks on the window than falling to the floor dead. Cracks in the windows started to form. Sam led me into the entry to the stairway to the second floor. She sat down on the stairs panting. “What the hell was that?!” I screamed.

“It started a year ago they have been coming for me ever since. They are trying to kill me!” Sam whispered.

“What are trying to kill you?!” I Screamed.  

“Them.” She then ran up the stairs and shortly returned with a book.  It was large and dusty. She blew the dust off and turned to page 666.

“Of course it’s on page 666 I complained. Sam will you hurry up because Sam, I am freaking out right now” I say. She hands me the book.


They won’t stop. They won’t stop until they kill you. If they find you, you are dead. They will find you. They have found me. They are here! If you are reading this be warned. They will come. They will come for all of us. You will die.  

The page had a scratch of ink across the paper as if someone was forced away from their sentence. A picture at the bottom of a pale face with black holes as eyes and blood running from the eyes, ears and mouth.

“Why are they coming for you? What did they do?” I ask.

“I did nothing. It runs in the family. Your next. I’m sorry I wouldn’t have become your friend in middle school if I knew.” Sam said

“Why am I next?” I ask

“If a Smith gives anyone a belonging they made that persons family will be cursed.” Sam handed me a white bracelet. “Take this to remember me by.”

“Ummm thanks?” It was nice of Sam to give me a bracelet and al but she knows how I like colorful things. 

“Bella, don’t worry it will change color. It will defiantly change color……. I think there gone Bella. You can go home now.”

“What about you?” I ask

“My family’s dead Bella. I live here now.” Sam said tears forming in her eyes.

“What?! When”

“They came for us a week ago. They killed my parents and they killed Freddy and it was almost his fourth birthday. He shrieked so loud as I hid under the bed and watched them slit his throat. I should have saved him. I should have saved him Bella.” Sam was sobbing. I sobbed with her.

“Go! Come here tomorrow at ten.” Sam yelled as she pushed me out the staircase door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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