who's he?

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It was the first day of school, I was officially a Sophmore. I was the new kid, I moved from New York to Ireland. When I got to school everyone was staring at me, it made me feel like I was a giant ugly beetle. I kept walking and looking for my locker when I ran into this really cute guy. We both dropped our stuff and fell, he got up first. He looked at me and started to speak with a thick Irish accent. "Hey, are you okay?" I looked into his ocean blue eyes and answered, "Yeah, sorry I ran into you. I'm just trying to find my locker." He helped me up and held me close, he must of thought I was cute or something. "It's alright, what's your locker number? I'll help you find it." He said. "Uh.....F27." he smirked and looked at me. "Right next to mine, it's on the fourth floor. Follow me." I started to follow him, now no one looked at me, no one. while we walked up the stairs to the second floor we started to talk more. "So, what's your name?" He asked. "Courtney." "Nice, I'm Niall." It was like he was making his move slowly, it was weird and awkward. "What's your classes?" I asked when it became silent again. "Science, guitar, social studies, math, reading, and then pastry. I was surprised that we had every class together other than guitar. "Wow, we have every class together other than guitar." "Cool." he answered. The bell rang, first day of school and already going to be tardy for a class. "Here we are." he said opening my locker. "Thanks, you might have to lead me to class too." I said with a giggle. He smirked and agreed. We ran to science trying not to drop our stuff. I was starting to slow down on the second floor. "Here, grab my hand." he said holding out his hand. I grabbed it, there were sparks. I knew he could feel it too. When we got to science the teacher looked at us with a disappointed look on her face. "Horan, 2 tardy's. Make it three and next time you'll be going to detention." she said. He looked at me and shook his head, "Don't mind her." he said quietly. Would you like to introduce you're friend?" "Uh...this is Courtney." he said. Well Courtney, have a seat next to Niall." I nodded still holding on to Niall's hand. While we were walking to our seats a girl broke Niall and I apart. "Don't ever hold his hand again, got it?" I ran to Niall,"Who's that?" I asked. "Anna, we went out when I first started high school, don't worry about her." I nodded. Niall and I talked all through science, the only time we payed attention was when we heard our names. We were partners in an egg drop game. We decided that I would go home with Niall so we can discuss what we were going to do. So far this new school isn't as bad as I thought it'd be.**************************************************** The rest of the day wasn't bad, I just didn't like when Niall and I had to be separated. At the end of our last classes, we met each other at our lockers. When we saw each other we hugged for about 5 minutes, I tried to pull away but he still held me close. He let go of me after everyone started looking at us. We put our books in our lockers and got our book bags then started walking down the stairs. After awhile he grabbed my hand, it was sweaty. When we got outside we saw Anna with her friends, luckily she didn't notice us. Niall walked me to his car, it was a cherry red Camaro. When I was about to walk around his car to the passenger seat he picked me up and ran me to it. "Why did you do that?" I said while giggling. "I don't know, just got a felling that I had to." He said while pulling me close. I steeped back and got in the car, he did the same. When he got in the car he started it then he turned the radio on. There was a Katy Perry c.d in, I kind of giggled. " Sorry, just was listening to some tunes on the way here." he said. "That's alright." I said trying to be as nice as I possibly could. We were pretty quite on the way to his house, the only sound was music that was on the radio. When we arrived to his house he was the first one to get out, he ran around the car and opened the passenger door for me. We walked in the house, it was completely empty. "You live alone?" I asked. "No, my dad is gone till midnight everyday though." That explained everything. "So, what should we do for the egg drop?" I asked. " I don't really want to talk about that." I started to wonder what he wanted to do. Make out, talk, watch movies? Those are the only things I could come up with. "Well what do you want to do then?" I asked. He didn't answer, he just pulled me close and layed his soft lips on mine. He started to pull away, I don't see why  he did though. "Uh.... my room?" he asked. I nodded. I followed him to his room, his house was huge. When we got to his room he opened the door for me, his room wasn't really messy like mine. I sat on the computer seat he had while he layed on his bed, I got up to see what movies he had. Nemo, Hunger games, Zombie land, etc.. I got The Hunger Games and put it into the dvd player. I didn't know weather to go lay on Niall's bed with him or sit back on the computer chair, I just went to the bed because I thought it would be way more comfy. Niall took off his shirt and held me tight. Eventually we both fell asleep during the movie. Niall woke up first, when I woke up he was downstairs heating up his Nando's from the other day. I went downstairs to see him, "Hey beautiful." he said. "hey" I said in a sleepy voice. When the microwave went off I looked at the time, it was 11:49. "Oh shit!" I said. "What is it?" he asked. "I got to get home." "Okay, i'll take you home in about 10 minutes." I didn't mind that but if I was home at midnight, I would be dead. After 7 minutes we got my stuff and got in the car. Niall and I started to talk. "how was your sleep?" he asked "it was pretty good." "Can I ask you something?" he asked. I didn't know what he was going to ask, and that made me scared. I don't know why, it just did. "Yeah." I answered. "I know you're new here, but will you be my girlfriend?"******************************************************************************************************* I didn't know what to say, it's my first day meeting this guy and he's already asking me to be his girlfriend. I wanted to speak but I couldn't, I was all chocked up. " Courtney, are you okay?" he asked. "I-I... need to uhhh.. think about it." I said as I got out of the car. I slammed the door behind me and ran inside my house. "Where have you been, school ended at 3:00!" my mom scolded. I ignored her and ran upstairs to my room. "Come down here!" my mom screamed from downstairs. I didn't go down there. I needed time to think, to scream, and what not. Just think.****************************************** The next morning was horrible. Anna knows that I went to Niall's house yesterday so I got beat up, Niall passed but didn't say anything. When Anna left I ran to my locker and ran into the science teacher. "That counts as two tarry's." she said. I just stepped aside and went to my locker. Niall was still at his locker when I opened mine, I still didn't think he was going to talk to me but he did. "Have enough thinking yet?" he asked. I became chocked up again, I still didn't know what to say. " Yes, I mean no, I mean... I need more time." I said while getting my science book. I closed my locker and walked away, I could tell Niall was staring at me. I looked back at him, he was closing his locker with tears in his eyes. "What have I done!" he screamed. I stopped looking at him and started walking down the stairs. When I got to class I was three minutes early, Niall was late again. "Detention it is." she said. I was starting to feel like this was all my fault, "maybe I should just go out with Niall" I thought to myself. After class I went to my locker, Niall wasn't there. "My next class was math, maybe he'd be there." I thought. He was there, fourteen minutes early. I sat across from him, it killed me that I couldn't sit by him. After class I caught up with him. " Hey, I think I have my answer." I said. "It doesn't matter anymore Courtney, I know what I did wrong. Just forget it." he said. "But my answer is yes!" I yelled as he walked away. He turned around in shock. I started to walking toward him, but he ran. He picked me up and span me around. " I love you Courtney!" he yelled. Everyone looked at us. He put me down and held my hand, "I'm so happy right now." he said." Really? I couldn't tell." I joked. He pulled me close like he always does and kissed me. "Can you tell now?" he asked "Yes Niall." I said. We walked to our lockers together just like yesterday.*******************************************************

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2013 ⏰

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