Part one

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Louis P.O.V

Never really understood the word love and why people are so infatuated by it. I guess I don't understand it because I have never experienced love in anyway it can come. I don't have a family well the care works say that we are a family but to tell the truth we're just a handful of unfortunate children who's parents didn't want them.
The numbers in are so called family change daily. Currently in the house there is five of us. Mia would be the youngest at age 7, then Zack, Tony, Fay and me. I'm the oldest one in the house at 16 and I've been here the longest. We all have different back stories of how we ended up in the care home. Tony and Fay are twins, their mother and father where both killed in a car accident when they where 6 years old and there was no other family members that could look after them so they had to pack up their lives and go into foster care. Zack's mother is in prisons and he doesn't know his father. Mia's mother was only 15 when she was born and she had no family support so she had no option but to put Mia into care, she still comes to see her once every two weeks.
My back story is simple. My mother enjoyed drugs more than me. She left me on the door step of a foster home when I was 7 months old with a note that read 'my name is Louis. Please look after me.' And that's the only thing my mother had ever gave me. I don't know who my dad is but I like to image at his is some high end business man that runs a very important network in America but the reality is that he's just another drug dealing nobody.

My bedroom is quiet which is unheard of in this house as there is always some sort of argument happening somewhere in the house. From the angle that my bed sits I can see out into the fields that are behind the house. I like to sit and watch the morning birds fly down into the fields and then back up into the sky, normally caring either a dead rodent or a worm in their beak. I envy birds as they have the freedom to travel to any destination on earth while I'm stuck in a foster home doing the same things everyday. The house isn't a bad place it's just not anyone's first choice.

I through my covers of myself and sit up right in the bed swinging my legs of the side of the bed placing my feet onto the cold wooden floor. I stretch before standing up and walking across to my wardrobe. I stand there looking at the half full wardrobe before picking out the same outfit I do most days, a dark top with a random pattern designed on it and I pear that with black skinny jeans with knee rips in them. Once I'm changed I leave my room and head towards the boys bathroom hoping that nobody else is wake yet so that I do have to wait to use it. As I reach the bathroom I see that the door is wide open meaning that one is in there yet. I start to walk fast towards it just incase somebody is walking down the stair directly across from it. I quickly shut the door and lock it behind me. First achievement of the day accomplished. I use the toilet and do my hair and teeth before heading back to my room where I proceed to look at myself in the long mirror making sure that I look okay.

As I walk into the kitchen I'm greeted by Mia running and jumping into my arms. "Good morning Louis" "good morning Mia". She screams with laughter as I start to tickle her. "Mia please it's 8am" I stop tickling Mia and put her down and look up to see Amber ,one of the care works, cooking breakfast. "Morning Amber" "morning Louis". Amber and I don't really see eye to eye. She thinks of me as the trouble maker in the house and when ever she is around and something bad happens its atomically my fault. As Amber turns back around to sort the food I pull a face at her causing Mia to giggle. "Louis can you walk me to school today?" I look at Amber before answering Mia question. Amber roles her eyes and nodes her head. "Sure" "good". Mia leave the room to get her coat and shoes on. "Take her straight to school and then you come straight home. You have that part time job interview today" "yes Amber don't worry" Amber just turns back to the food and I leave the room joining Mia in the hallway. I pick my jean jacket of the hanger and I slip into my shoes picking up Mia's frozen school bag and then I shoo her out the house.
"Can we go the fun way Louis" "what other way would we go" I smile at her taking her hand in mine and we star to walk down the back roads passed the sheep filed. "Are you going to come to my space show at school tonight". Mia's class in school had be learning about space and for her classes part in the end of year assembly their doing space. "I'll try but I have lots of work to do tonight" "oh okay" " hay I didn't say no did I." I say gently squeezing her hand. "Come on I think I have 50p in my pocket lets go buy sweets" she looks up at me and smiles. We race each other to the end of the path before the main road, I let Mia win and she brags about her victory all the way to the shop. "What do you want then?" "This" she said picking up a Milky Way "okay hand it over to Bob". Bob was the owner of the newsagents across from Mia's school. "Hello Mia. Louis" "hi Bob this please" Mia hands him the chocolate bar and then runs off the look at the children's magazines "and a packet of ten johns please Bob." "Come on Louis your 16 I can't sale you smokes" "come on Bob. Not stopped up before" Bob looks up at his cctv screen before speaking. "Fine but I'm telling you this is the last time" "thanks Bob" "£3:83 Louis" I hand Bob the money and I call Mia back over to me "bye Bob" "bye darling". I walk Mia over the road and hug her good bye at the gate. "See you later pal" "bye Louis" I watch as she runs off to join her friends in the play ground. As I start to walk home I light a cigarette and smoke it.

When I get back to the house the others have left for school and it's only me and amber in the house. "Did she get to school okay" "yeah" "God Louis you stink of smoke" "okay" I shrug my shoulders at her and she just roles her eyes "better not smell like that when you go for your interview" "it an interview for being a paper boy I don't think they will care if I smoke or not". I walk out the room and up to my room. I lay on my bed reading the book 'letters to her'.

The story is set in the 18th century and a young son of a pirate in his teen age years falls in love with the princess of some island in the middle of the ocean but there love is forbidden. The son is so in love with the princess that he Sends out bottle message everyday for the rest of his life and in the end she finds one of his messages.
I sit up in my bed and think about it for a few seconds before I grab my old school back pulling out a pencil and a old note book. I pencil to paper and I start writing. When I'm half way through the letter Amber knocks on my door "time to go Louis come on don't want to be late. This is very important" "yeah just coming" I hide the paper under my bed and I rush out the door.
The day goes on and I forget about the letter until I'm back in bed about to fall asleep and the thought comes back into my head. I rush to get the paper from under my bed. It takes me about half an hour to finish writing. I slowly and quietly walk down the stair and into the kitchen and I start to look for envelopes in the draws. I finally find one and I then make my way back to my room.
I put the letter in the envelope and close it. I go to write an address on it but I can't. I quickly pull out my laptop and load to up. I open up Google and I type in a random address to see if it's really and to see how far away it is. I finally come up with one that is 5000 miles away from the house and I write it onto the envelope.

In the morning I wake and go through the normally routine and it is when Mia asks me to take her to school when I remember the letter. "Sure if it's okay with you Ron?" Ron was our other care worker. Both him and Amber to turns on watching the house over night and last night was his night. "Yeah it's fine with me pal" "good". I walk Mia the easy way to school with follows the main road. I hug her good bye at the school and then I walk down the the red post box just out side of bobs shop. I hold the letter in my hand and just think about what I'm about to do and then I do it. I slip the letter into the box and walk way.

I hope you enjoy the story so far. I know it's not the best but it's one of my first fanfics. I know this part is long It's 1700 words. Sorry the last part was rushed couldn't really think of what to write. )-) X

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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Letters to nobody---Larry Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz