More Than Just Friendly Assistance: A Phinabella Story

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Chapter 1: Sick

11 year old Phineas Flynn woke up one summer morning feeling kind of achy and tired. Thinking he had just slept weird, he shrugged it off and decided to go downstairs to get some breakfast. As he stood up, however, he felt himself shaking uncontrollably. Then his stomach began to feel queasy.

"Great. I'm sick." He groaned to himself. Looking towards Ferb's bed, he noticed his 12 year old step-brother wasn't there. Phineas shrugged, assuming he had gotten an early start on the day, and laid back in his own bed.

*In the backyard*

Ferb sat under the tree waiting for his brother to come down. He's usually out here by now... He thought to himself. I think I'd better go check on him just in case.

He went upstairs and knocked on the door to their room. "Hey you alright in there?" He asked. All that came from the other end was a groan. Maybe he just didnt get enough sleep last night and he's still tired... Ferb thought. "I'm coming in." He warned.

As he opened the door, he saw how awful Phineas looked. He was as pale as a ghost and shivering uncontrollably. "You ok Phineas? You feeling sick?" Phineas slowly nodded. "Can you please bring me a bucket? You know, just in case." He asked weakly. In a few seconds, Ferb got a bucket and placed it next to Phineas on the floor.

"I gotta go bro. Sorry. But I'm gonna send someone else up to take care of you ok? As soon as they get here that is."

Phineas wondered who it could be. Their parents were out for a day or two with Candace on some kind of road-trip to help calm her down and he couldn't think very clearly right now so he couldn't try and figure out who it is.

*Back at the backyard*

Ferb was under the tree again, waiting for a certain someone to show up on cue. Suddenly, the gate to the backyard was opened and Phineas and Ferb's childhood friend Isabella stepped in. She has a crush on Phineas and hopes that one day he'll realize it, even though she constantly drops hints.

"Hey guys. Watcha doo-" She stopped as she looked around the yard. "Where's Phineas?" She asked.

"In our room. He's not feeling so hot."

Chapter 2: A Friend In Need

"He's sick?" Isabella asked with a little bit of concern in her voice. Ferb nodded. "Then how come you're not up there helping him out? Is he trying to sleep or something?" She asked.

Shaking his head, he replied "I knew you'd come here any minute so I came down to wait for you. I think this is a job better left to a professional." He winked at her. Isabella, getting the hint, smiled and said "I owe ya one." As she went in the back door and up to Phineas' room.

"She has another big chance here... She better not waste it." Ferb mumbled to himself.

Phineas heard a knock on the door and, assuming it was Ferb, said to come in. His eyes were closed so he didn't know it was Isabella. That is, until he heard "Hey Phineas. How're you feeling?" In a soothing voice that could only belong to Isabella. Hearing her voice suddenly made his face start to burn up and his heart started beating slightly faster.

Is my heart beating faster? That's weird... And my face is burning up too. It might be part of the sickness but... I've felt this before... Maybe it's just nothing. He thought to himself as he opened his eyes and sat up.

"Isabella? What're you doing here?" He asked.

She started walking over to him and sat on the edge of his bed. "Well, you know that I always come to your yard around this time of the day. I asked Ferb where you were and he said you weren't feeling well so I came up to check on you." She smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2015 ⏰

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