「7th period」: research time

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student no. 1

              The next day, I went to school, early enough to hear about it from Ritsu. What Iroha pulled of yesterday, proved that the girl had a lot of things up her sleeves. And to think that she even had a bunch of people to assist her in such a thing.

"Karma-kun, I have the data you've asked me about" Ritsu said when I looked over at Nagisa's phone while they were chatting about some new assassination plan.

"Eh, data?" Nagisa looked at me to ask.

"Hmm~ what did you find?" I asked Ritsu and so she started stating them.

"Based on the records for the first trimester, there have been a lot of notices for her absences and lack of attendance. Numerous assessments have been recorded as 0 for having leaving them blank or by not writing her name on the paper. Therefore her grades mostly consisted of zeroes however, her scores during the first semester midterm examinations ranked 5th in Year 3 by 492 points. And during the finals she managed to earn 5th place in Year 3 by 475 points".

"When I found her records during her 1st and 2nd year, her grades were unbelievably high, she was often ranked 2nd or 3rd and she was one of the students who passed the exam on short notice. During her previous years she was in Class A before being dropped to Class B last year and Class C by the start of the this school year" she continued to explain.

"What's the reason behind her attendance?" I queried.

"Regarding her many absences. The only class she definitely attends is art class and club, in which her grades are over the top. Moreover, her lack of attendance is most likely due to cutting classes. Based on the rumors, it's due to medical reasons. However, I found out that she does not hold records in the infirmary, furthermore the last medical record she had was being diagnosed with a disease about 6 years ago. Which confirms that her lack of attendance has nothing to do with being ill" Ritsu stated.

"Karma-kun, is this about Inukai-san?" Nagisa asked.

I just smirked, to answer his question.

"I get it, but why are you so intent on knowing the reason why she's in our class? Does it really make such a difference" he asked in return to which I just smirked.

"It might be interesting" I replied. 'This way we could make use of her, before she could make use of us.'

"Also, I came upon something surprising" Ritsu continued.

"What?" Nagisa and I asked in unison.

"The real reason she's at Class 3-E were due to the countless offenses that involved brawling, her lack of attendance, vandalizing and destruction of property" she explained. "It was said that the teachers were having a hard time trying to go against her, so the principal himself was the one who sent her here".

I thought it over again, fully understanding what this girl was doing. I had to admit, it was surprising to know that she was juvenile all along, but I wouldn't deny how things just got quite interesting.

              Iroha was a master of deceit. Thanks to her act and her charisma, she managed to infiltrate 3-E within a number of days. And by know, she most likely has us wrapped around her string so oblivious to the fact that she could be playing around with us.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now