The things that I see no longer consume me. My perception is not real! I live in a life that is controlled by others... a puppet you might say, a dummy, a pond in your game. But I can still feel. You can't tell me that may feelings don't matter! How else would you explain the emptiness I feel in public? How else would you explain the shame I feel? The embarrassment? The guilt, oh yes the guilt! I feel as if I continue to fall from the highest heights. I feel as if I was born without knowing how it feels to feel. I feel as if you will never understand because I no longer exist. No longer exist? I was never here... The words I write have no impact on this earth because I do not exist. The words that I profess will never be heard because I do not exist. I do not exist. I do not exist. In your world who am I? I must exist somewhere. Surely the sorrow I feel is real. Surely I must exist in your world, but do you see me? It is plain that you do not see me, but yet I see you. I could be standing right in front of you, but yet your eyes go through me. One day I will exist, but by then I could care less. By then I wouldn't care if you don't see me because I know I'm real. One breath at a time one "wooshaa" at a time. One day... Just know my foot steps tread this earth too, so make room because when I come, I will come with a bang.