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An/ so since I figured I can't figure out what to do where I left off I thought Ill skip a few and in case you were wondering they were in the month if September and so I was gonna time skip to December.......ahh yes the lovely ness I have ready for you. I don't wanna spoil up coming chapters buuut SCMANEX........ Ok yeah um on with the chapter yes ? Uhmm don't forget the feed back I really love when you comment so comment and story time


Aleks' POV:

It's winter I'm so excited Christmas will be coming soon, and I just can't believe sly and I have been dating for pretty much a year. Some bad some good things but a year none the less.... I assume you'd like to know some of that stuff ? Well......

*flash back*

Great home alone how lovely, why wouldn't sly take me with him and the others...... I heard a knock at the door.. "I'll be there in a second " I shout getting up and walking to the door, and opening it to see Ze. "Hey Aleks want to watch a movie!?" "It's way to late out to go and I, to lazy even if there is" I say trying to get out of it. Ze's been really clingy to me every time he gets the chance and this was just another attempt at showing me his affection to me, which I coldly deny, not on purpose I'm not a mean dude but he needs to get over me and find some one else.......

*flashy time over*

That night I had fallen asleep and the next thing I know I wake up to ze kissing me and sly walking in... That was the worst night of my life sly had thought I was cheating and I ended up sleeping on the floor. I forgot to mention we had gotten a new bed when we realized how serious we were.

But there were plenty of good memories within the year, dates, normal hanging out, and just spending time with each other, not to mention james and Seamus telling us all they were together. "There you are what have you been doing ?" Sly said walking in out room and sitting on the bed by me. "Just thinking " he smiles pulling me into his lap kissing me on my cheek. "Why hello to you to " I smile

An/ I just wanted to post this short chapter to tell you about my new plan Annnd comment vote ?

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