When I came home from work I knew where I would go. I ran to the kitchen to see my favorite spoon, clean, just how I left it. I got out the milk. And then the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That sweet sweet Cinnamon Toast Crunch. I found myself eating way too fast and making a mess. But what was left was the only thing that made me happy. Cinna-Milk. After that bowl I mad 4 MORE bowls just for the cinna-Milk. I needed it. I couldn't handle life with out. I wouldn't want to live with out it. I didn't go out with my friends last night. They wouldn't have cinna-Milk. They made fun of me. But that all is gonna change. I quickly go to my garage. Two buckets. I lay a table down. With arm holders and buckets on each end. I fill each bucket half way up with milk. And the I call Steven. He comes over quick. I told him it was and emergency. When he comes in I hit him in the face with a frying pan so hard that he falls to the ground. I drag him to the garage. I put him on the table and put his arms in the straps. And I wait. I wait for him to get up. When he does. He's screaming. I quickly duct tape his mouth. I should've thought of that earlier. The I cut both is wrists and let the blood falls in the buckets. He would never make fun of me again and he would get to be one with the.......Cinna-Milk. He then passes out. To never awake. I take both buckets and make it into cinna-Milk. This is the best I have had in a while. I need more. I do the same to all my other friends which I didn't have a lot of so I started to take. Other people. I would hide in people houses until they were by themselves. Then I would knock them out. And they would wake up and I would slowly cut through the wrist until their hand was off. Now whenever I am out of cinna-Milk. I hide in people's house until they are alone. And then I. Take them.