Chapter 1: Bounded

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This is going to be short because it's a Flashback of an important day.

Fall, Six Years Ago

Rocky POV

Walking into my two-story Victorian styled home, I knew that my mother would be ready with a punishment for my not so refrigerator worthy test grade. It was like the calm before the storm. Chemistry was definitely not my strong suit but remembering potion formulas would've been hard for anyone, even a witch like me.

Before I could even shut the wooden front door, my mother was already hollering my name.

“Rocky! Get in here now.”

What a very short calm.

I followed her voice towards the kitchen where she was chopping up carrots for my two year old little brother Benin. Standing behind the island of the kitchen, I could see her angry expression shown by her furrowed brows.

It was uncomfortable to talk to her about my grades when she was holding a knife and that angry face didn't make me feel anymore comfy.

“Hey mom! What’s up?” I threw my bag on the ground and ruffled Benin’s curly dark brown hair with my fingers, causing him to giggle.

“Don’t you ‘what’s up’ me. I am your mother, not one of your ‘homies’.” She snapped. Parents could be so embarrassing while not even being around people. Homies? What was this, the nineties?

“Hello mother. I have big news. No one says ‘homies’ anymore.” I replied in my attempt in what a proper high class child would sound like.

“Pick up your bag from my floor before I make you clean it with a toothbrush.”

Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. Not wanting to go even farther on my mother’s bad side, I picked up my bag from the ground.

“Now lets talk about your latest chemistry test grade.” She slammed the knife on the cutting board, causing me to jump five feet high. She sure knew how to intimidate me without saying a word.

My mother was the leader of the Witches Board of our district (there was five in the USA) since my dad went missing months ago. He was the original leader but now he's gone, nowhere to be found. I missed him a lot but I couldn't dwell on it too long or I would end up taking it out un-healthily like most people would.

"It's not my fault that it's hard to concentrate in that class." I replied.

"And why can't you concentrate?" she asked in her southern drawl which she usually hid. She felt like it made her sound uneducated.

"Well... my partner's a werewolf and you'll never know when he'll bust out in dance yelling 'thriller'!" I joked, doing MJ's famous hand jesters. Too bad she didn't find it amusing,

"Have fun 'moonwalking' yourself to your room because you're grounded."

"You're so unfair!" I yelled, trying to sound as angry as I could but I was far from it.

She basically said I have to stay in my room which was a equipped with a TV, computer and my spell book without coming out to do chores. Doesn't seem like a punishment to me.

I began to storm to my room before my mother stopped me with a freezing spell. All my bones froze in obedience.

"Before you sulk in your room for eternity, change Benin's diaper."

Aw crap! Literally.


Next Day

Okay, I was freaking out majorly! As tradition, when a witch is in the fifth grade (before school, it was when they were 10), they had to be assigned to their bounded group which meant that today I was going to be meeting the girls who I had to spend the rest of my life with. Every group has the same gender and has one member of each element that a witch could specialize in. Unfortunately we couldn't pick the people, it was chosen through some kind of ritual spell but it's always the people in your school because of fate and blah blah blah. I didn't really pay attention to the principal's lecture.

Sitting alone on one of the many blue cafeteria tables, I couldn't help but feel that no matter which girls that would be put in my group, they would all hate me. Everyone hated me and that's not an overstatement when kids got together to sign a petition banning me from school. I know I'm not the most charming person in the world let alone the school but I didn't think I was that bad. So, I did a few pranks here and there and some people got emotionally scared for the rest of their lives, whatever! They needed to get over it! No one could take a joke around here.

My element was fire so the girls in my group were going to be wind, earth, and water specialists. The suspense was killer, I nearly had a heart attack when my name was called.

"Rocklynne Florescent, Marina Gulp, Weather Seen, and Vivian Masefield. You are bounded to each other."


I had to get put with the lamest girls in this school. Marina was a very shy blonde Russian girl and when I said very shy, I meant 'never talks at all to anyone' shy. Vivian, on the other hand, never stopped talking. She was the biggest bitch in the school, stepping on anyone while flipping her red hair to get to the top. Weather was the super pale dark haired emo girl who people said practiced black magic; the type of magic that required blood.

It felt weird being the sanest person in a group. Unfortunately, I had to spend the rest of my life with these girls.

 I couldn't help but tap my fingers on the painted wooden table as I waited for them each to take a seat at my table. 

"I can't believe I got stuck with you freaks." Vivian sighed as she checked her reflection with her compact mirror. She took the words right out of my brain.

"I'm pretty sure no one wanted to be stuck with you." Weather snapped, rolling her eyes.

"Shut up. For a girl who doesn't know how to ease up on the eyeliner, you sure have balls."

I can't believe there was already an argument and we haven't even been sitting for a minute.

"I'm Rocky."

"No one cares." Vivian replied, bringing her focus back to her mirror. I don't think I'll ever like her.

"I'm Rocky," I started again, "and my power is fire."

"You guys already know who I am and my power is wind." Vivian smiled.

"My power is earth and don't call me Weather. I have unofficially changed my name to Saphire." The nickname seemed fitting since her eyes were a cool blue.

We all looked at Marina and waited for her to speak.

"I'm Marina b-but... but you can call me Nina." She muttered, looking at her feet.

"Your shoes must be so dang interesting for you to be eyeballing them." I joked. Since she was the only one left, I guess she was the water specialist based on the process of elimination..

No one seemed to be amuse by my joke but then again, no one is ever amused with my jokes.

This was going to be a long lifetime.


My parts are going to be way longer but again, this is a flashback. Please add to your reading list, vote, comment and follow me for the latest updates.


Gossip Girl --ummm- I mean Roro :)

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