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In 2012, amid a flurry of nerves, I released Live and Let Die, my first suspense novel, out into the world. Truth be told, I wasn't crazy about the title, but at the time, I felt like it was the best moniker for the story, so that's what I went with.

As time went on, I grew more dissatisfied with the title and decided to do something about it. One of the great things about being an "indie" is you can change course anytime you want. So, I made the decision to rechristen the book and chose Killing Me Softly, a title I am much happier with.

I decided to go one step further and do a "refresh" on the cover. It just made sense to give my book a new cover to go along with its new title. Out with the old, in with the new and all that. As with my original cover, I am in love with this one and as always, my eternal gratitude goes out to my ace cover designer, Torrie Cooney.

I've also made a few minor edits-little nits I missed the first time that I decided to fix. There are no editorial or structural changes to the original story; there are no new characters, no new scenes, no new plot twists or new chapters. It is the exact same story I released in 2012.

Thank you for giving Killing Me Softly a try; I hope you enjoy it.

Bianca Sloane

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