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Helloo. I'm Miley. I'm 18 years old and that famous Justin Bieber's childhood friend. We are friends since we were.. I guess 4. Or five. I don't really remember. Now we are good friends. We are really close to each other.
Oh yea.. He is dating with Selena Gomez. And I'm dating a guy named Liam. He have amazing blue eyes. And I really love him. Like.. He is the one for me.
Today, me and Liam gonna meet with that "Jelena" couple. Lol. I mean Justin and Selena. People are calling them Jelena. Weird. I just took a quick shower. I made my hair, put some make up and my clothes on. And yay. I'm ready to go. Now I should call Liam and ask him if he is ready.
+Hello, Liam, are you ready?
-Mm.. Babe yea.. I guess.
+You guess?!! Liam what are you doing, love?
-Just taking a shower. Relax. Haha
+Hurry. I'm coming to your place. See ya in 20 minutes. I love you.
-I love you too babe.
Woah.. Liam is taking a shower.. He is wet.. I can't stop thinking about him naked. Oh yes I am a bit dirty when it comes to him..
I got out of the house and on my way to Liam's house. Finally.. I'm here. When I was about to knock his door, I decided to use my key. I checked the living room. No, he is not here. Maybe kitchen? Well.. He is not in kitchen.. Where is he.. I started yelling at him.
"Liam!!!! Where the hell are you?!! I can't find you. Oh god. Show yourself."
He is not answering.
"Liam!!! I'm not in mood to play games. We are late. Cmon. Justin is waiting and he is gonna be mad."
Then I entered his bedroom. His towel is wet and on his bed. It means he was here. Oh god. I'm so gonna kill h-
When I felt his hands on my waist I couldn't help but scream. He scared me. Such a bitch. But a hot one..
-Liam, I'm so gonna kill you. You scared me.
+Or.. Babe, we can stay and do something else.. You know..
Actually he was looking hot as fuck with his messy, wet hair. And I really wanna stay and.. Do stuff with him. But we can't. Justin is waiting. And he hates waiting. Especially when it comes to Liam. I don't know why.. But Justin hates Liam. Well.. I don't like Selena either but Justin is different when it comes to Liam.. I hope one day he can stop hating him lol. I should stop talking to myself. We are late.
-Liam, baby, next time I will stay, but now we have to go. Please.
+Oh yea Justin Bieber and Selena  Gomez.. Yea yea they are famous and should not wait.
-Cmon. Let's go and I love you too.
We got out of the house and started walking. I'm shaking. Wait why.. Oh Justin!! He is calling.
J:Hey, Miley where the hell are you?
M:Sorry J. We are on our way. We will be in there soon. So soon.
J:Okay. We are waiting. Hurry.
And boom. He is mad. Oh. I should talk to him about Liam. I mean.. Justin is the sweetest person you can ever met. But he is cold as ice when it comes to Liam. We should talk about it.
I came back to real world when I saw a bunch of girls waving at my man. Liam didn't notice them. Oh wait. Now he did. I stopped walking and tried to kill them bitches with my eyes. He was laughing. And it was annoying as fuck.
+Liam!!! Stop laughing. They are trying to get your attention!!!
-Babe, they can try, right? Hahaha
+What?!!!! Oh you bitch. I'm gonna go and leave you here. Don't follow me.
-Cmoon. You are the one for me, Miley. You know that. They can try. But I'm blinded for them. You are the only thing I see.
Oh God. I wanna kiss him. I wanna hug him. I wanna do everything with him.
+I'm sorry.. I was just..
-Yeah babe. I know. Watch this.
Suddenly he grabbed my waist and start kissing me in front of them. Ohgodohgod. I guess I'm dead. I must be in heaven.. I love him. I love him so much.
+Okay okay.. We should go now. I love you so much.
-I love you too babe.
We were walking and I saw a man selling roses. God, I love roses! And Liam knows that too. He stopped walking.
+Miley, I will get you a rose. Wait here, it's across the street. I will be back in one minute.
I started watching him while he was talking to that guy. He bought a red rose for me, he looked at me and smiled. So I smiled back.
When he started walking, suddenly a car, hit him. It  happened so fast. I was frozen. I couldn't move for few seconds. Then I saw him laying on the ground. I saw blood. There was so much blood.
I went there, put his head on my knees. I was crying and screaming. My tears were falling on his face. I felt like my heart is about to stop. Then finally I start talking.
+Damn it!!!!! Stop watching!!!!! Someone call 911!!!!!!!
I was touching his face and crying like crazy.
+I'm sorry Liam.. It's all my fault!!!! I'm sorry babe.. Please don't leave me. Please..
Then he opened his eyes.
-Miley.. It's not.. Your fault.. I.. Love you..
+Shhh.. Don't talk. Liam please don't leave me. Please..
I kept crying.
-Miley.. Kiss me. Please..
Then I kissed his soft, kissable lips..
+Liam.. It's gonna be okay. Please stay with me. I need you. You know that.
-Miley, I love you.. And I always will.. Don't forget that.
Then he closed his eyes. Wait!! He is not breathing!
+He is not breathing!!!!!!!! Do something!!!!!!!!! Liam!!!! Please don't leave me!!!!!!! Please!!!!! I love you..
I wrapped my arms around his waist. I was holding onto him so tight. I was feeling like we are in the end of the world...
X: Young lady, you should leave him. He is dead now..
M: No!!!!! Can you hear me!!!! No!!!! HE IS NOT DEAD!!!!! He is not fucking dead!!!! Leave us alone!!!!! Now!!!!!
I started crying like crazy. I didn't let them touch him. I don't care how long it takes. They won't take him away from me.
Then I heard someone.. Someone that I know.. I know that voice.. Justin..
J: Miley.. Please.. You should let them take him.. He is dead.
M: How did you get here?!!!!
J: You must have dropped your phone. I called you and someone picked up. Told me everything and I don't remember how I got out of the restaurant and I came here.. I'm sorry.. Miley, please let them take him.
M: No!!!! He is not dead!!! Justin please.. Don't let them take him away from me. They will listen you.
Justin wrapped his arms around my waist. I was in his arms.. I kept screaming.
M: Let go of me!!!! Justin they will take Liam!!!!
J: Baby.. They should take him to morgue..
M: NOO!!! Morgue is for dead people!!! He is not dead.. Justin please... Don't let them take him.. I'm begging you..
I don't remember what happened then.. I found myself in a bed. Where is this place.. Where is Liam.. What the fuck is going on..
Then I saw Justin.
M: Where is Liam?!!! Did they take him?!!! Where is he Justin!!!!
Justin put me in his arms. And started talking.
J: Miley.. His parents had to take him to Australia.. For his funeral..
M: And you didn't tell me?!!! Take me to Australia then!!! I wanna see him. Justin one last time.. I promise.. Just let me see him..
I started crying again.
J: Miley.. Don't do it to yourself.. You shouldn't go.. It's not good for you. It will hurt you.
I tried to push Justin away. But he was stronger than me. And he was just hugging me.
I think I fell asleep.. When I opened my eyes, I was looking at Liam's face. He was smiling.
M: Liam.. Thank god.. You are not dead.. I had a nightmare.. It was horrible.
I waited him to reply. He didn't say a word. Then he disappeared.
I was looking at the wall instead of Liam's face. My head was on Justin's knee. I was feeling too weak..
M: Justin..
J: Shh.. Don't talk, baby.. It's gonna be alright. Trust me. Okay?
I didn't talk..
After that I went to my aunt's house, she is living in London.. I couldn't stay here and I spent few months in my aunt's house. I was feeling better. And I decided to go home.. My real home..
My feets took me to Liam's house. I went there. Opened the door and couldn't get in.. After like.. Five minutes I entered to house and then his room. Everything was same.. I saw a towel on his bed.. He used that towel.. In that day.. Even the towel smells like him.. I couldn't stay there more and I got out of there. I went to Justin's house. I knocked the door.
When he opened the door, he froze. He just looked at my face for few minutes. Then he hugged me. I couldn't breathe.
J: Come in. Oh my god. I'm sorry I'm just surprised..
M: Yeah..
J: Why didn't you answered my calls? I was about to freak out. I thought something bad happened and I couldn't come because I didn't know where your aunt's house is.
M: I'm sorry. I just.. Had to stay alone for a while..
J: You are back now.. I miss you so much. I.. I really missed you.
M: Calm down.. I'm here now. Not going anywhere.
J: Do you know that.. Jelena is over. I ended it the day you left..
M: Why.. Why did you do that?
J: Because Miley.. I'm in love with you. I was always in love with you. I couldn't say it before because I thought maybe.. We can loose our friendship and I knew that you don't want this. I don't wanna loose it either.
M: Justin.. I can't feel anything anymore.. There's walls wrapped around my heart.. I'm broken..
J: We can do it together, Miley. I promise I will always be with you.
M: Justin.. Can I sleep now? I'm feeling too weak..
J: Okay.. Okay, baby.. Sleep.
Then I fell asleep. I had a dream about Liam. He was smiling at me and I was holding Justin's hand.
When I wake up, I saw Justin watching me with a pen in his hand and writing something to a paper.
He stood up and held my hand.
J: I wrote a song while you were sleeping. It's gonna be in my new album. Do you wanna hear it?
He was looking at my eyes. Without blinking.
M: Okay..
Then we sat down, he took his guitar and started singing.. I felt something.. Different inside me.. That song was about me.. About us.. Now I know that he is the only one who can fix me.. I know that..

Justin's song:
Whoa, ooh
Well, let me tell you a story
About a girl and a boy
He fell in love with his best friend
When she's around, he feels nothing but joy
But she was already broken, and it made her blind
But she could never believe that love would ever treat her right

Did you know that I loved you or were you not aware?
You're the smile on my face
And ain't going nowhere
I'm here to make you happy, I'm here to see you smile
I've been wanting to tell you this for a long while

What's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let yourself,
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

Well, I can tell you're afraid of what this might do
Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don't wanna lose
Well, I don't wanna lose it either
I don't think I can stay sitting around while you're hurting babe, so take my hand

Well, did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly?
Did you know that it breaks my heart every time to see you cry
Cause I know that a piece of you's gone
Every time he done wrong I'm the shoulder you're crying on
And I hope by the time that I'm done with this song that I figure out

What's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let yourself,
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall

But if you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you let your...
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

What's gonna make you fall in love?
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all, oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let yourself,
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall,

So fall in love (in love)
I know you got your wall wrapped all the way around your heart
Don't have to be scared at all (don't have to be scared, don't have to be scared at all), oh, my love
But you can't fly unless you let yourself,
You can't fly unless you let yourself fall

I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall
I will catch you if you fall

If you spread your wings
You can fly away with me
But you can't fly unless you let your... let yourself fall

Hey guys.. It's my story. It's just one part story.. I hope you all enjoyed it.. Well.. I wrote this story few years ago and this one is translated to English. I translated this so.. If there's some mistakes, please forgive me. Thanks for reading..
I love you.

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