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Rhandzu held her pillow tight as she laid on her uncomfortable matress. Regretting why she came to her grandmother's house in the first place ,wondering how life would've been if she stayed back home in California. Knowing that she died because of the pressure of taking her back to California was even more painful. "What could've possibly happened to Mum? Why would they do such a thing?" She questions herself while she wipes off a tear from one of her eyes. Trying her best to calm down and her grandmother calls out for her. "Dear, come get your lunch!"
Mmh this looks like its going to be interesting...


She walks into the kitchen and is greeted by her Grandmother ,Jack and Joanna which are our neighbours and Uncle Kevin seated on a round table with food on a table. Looked like a buffet
"Afternoon ," Rhandzu greets the neighbours politely while sshe pulls her chair back and sits down. "Afernoon," they greet back at her

Grandma Alice breaks the silence " let's dig in huh!"
Everyone picks up their cutlery and starts enjoying their food so did Rhandzu

In the middle of their meals  just gazing into each others eyes  was all it could advance to
"Whats with the pieces of clothes all over your body?" Joanna asks making Uncle Kevin choke on his food. Uncle Kevin gives me a threatening look...

Authors note💋

Sorry for making y'all wait this long, please accept my apology😘😘

Will Rhandzu spill the beans...what happens if she does. Joanna getting suspicious oooh this is they even know that Rhandzu knows about her mother's death, when were they gonna tell her if she didn't eavesdrop,Well keep reading to find out

Sorry for the short chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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