Chapter One: The Beginning Part 1

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The sun was shining down in Fallon Town (I know it's a silly name), everything seems peaceful, the birds are chipping on the trees, while the squirrels went out to get their nuts on the peaceful quiet forest, except. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" Birds jumped out of their trees, and crows start to crow. A seventeen year old girl was riding down the bike, with her long wavy brown curly hair, with her crystal blue eyes, it seems odd she would be fact that girl is me, my name is Aliena Greyfield and if you guessed it, I was late for school. "Stupid alarm clock, why didn't you ring, out of all the days you didn't ring at the last day of school?!" I grumble under my breath, while letting out 'Sorry' and 'Coming through' at the animals, yes I am weird, and I don't care.
I was riding down the heavy rock path with my cross bike, I lived in the mountains at Fallon town near British Columbia, though I have an American accent is because I once lived in Arizona, now I live in British Columbia for two years, and I'll start my sophomore year next summer. But I ask myself what kind of job I'll do after I graduated at college...wait I'm being to forward I'll-
*TUUUUT* "Huh! Holy cheesecake!" I was interrupted in my thoughts by a truck in front of me, in fear I made a quick turn which a car was about to run me over, scared again I quickly sped up, missing the car an inch, I quickly ride in an alleyway dodging trashcans and seeing the school up close. Yes, I might make it on-


.....I'm late. Feeling a large sweat drop on the back of my head, I quickly rode to the bicycle parking and lock my bike, grabbing my back-pack and went inside the school. One part is that I have to go to my locker and dash for my class, which will take me longer since my locker is ten minutes away from my class. "Good job Aliena, late on your last freshman year, and dad will for sure kill me." I try to open my locker, but to no avail; I sigh looking left and right I used my powers to open my locker, using my telekinesis to force my locker open; I had that power when I somehow awaken it when I had an argument with mom, you see, when she announced me that we were moving; I sort of started to be mad at her, since I wasn't quite happy with moving, it then left me going in my room and somehow manage to flip my bed upside down without using my hands or even touching my furniture, though when mom came in my room, I had to press my end at the door, not letting my mom seeing the mess. I thank the stars that she never saw the mess, though questions me if I was fine with moving, which I wasn't bothered moving, anymore. Though I hope, I won't move again.

I close my locker and rush to my class, though I curse under my breath for being very late. I rapidly knock the door, breathing hardly, I felt everyone staring at me while the teacher whom is called Ms. Stacy ask me: "Miss Greyfield, what happened it seems like you ran at a marathon?" Taking a very deep breath I explain to her why I was late, while skipping the part that I almost ran over by a truck, she gave me a reassured look. "It is alright, since it is your last day before summer, I'll let it slip but please be on time next time." I thanked Ms. Stacy and went to my seat, ignoring the stares of the girls and boys, I tend to be alone for the time, since I don't have a lot of friends in Fallon Town; but my mom and dad is getting worried, since I didn't get out much often at home or hanging around with friends.

I sat the end of the room next to the window, since I like to watch the outdoor that mountain, somehow there is a cave in that mountain; I've discovered it while visiting the place, I wanted to go in there if not my dad caught me and refusing me to get in the cave.
But tonight, I'll visit that cave, my parents are going away on a trip and they'll leave tonight. Though, the reason they are going on a trip was that dad and mom wanted to celebrate their 20th anniversary and ask me if I'll be alright alone at home, which I reply with a yes.
*I hope whatever is out there, will make a great discovery!* I thought, the bell for school rang, and everyone prepared to leave, I grab my books and I smiled at Ms. Stacy leaving a small thank you and I went to my other class.

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