Houston we have a problem WHATS HAPPNING NOW, woo dud no need to be angry. And come on guess what the problem is. And you have 5 seconds or I’m going to write in the sky that the best mecen you made was the mecen that fucks people. He was just trying to make more humans. Well the world is already over populated by giraffe people.
By what, is that your awsure, because by what is the wrong awsure. And your time is up so now I’m going to write that thing in the sky now by by. Org it’s not fear how he’s magic and were not. The world is not disind to be fear. Shut up okay I will. Anyway can I have a look at the
Look that one is half human half giraffe. That one is half human half lion. And look there’s more types of these weird things. We have to find out whats happning. It’s the devil. No it’s a dese. No its god. No its ever lotion