Chapter 3

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Day 20

Dear Diary

Finally some good news! The order has set up a radio station keeping everyone who is on our side up to date on what is happening on the war front. they call it Potterwatch (they all have code names but it’s pretty easy to guess who everyone is) and it give new hope to Gryffindor.

We also try to keep them up to date with what happens at Hogwarts which I am sad to say hasn’t gotten any better, but at least they haven’t gotten worse. I have been very lucky in which they worst I have had was detention in the forest with Hagrid after Ginny, Neville, Luna and I tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor. We have also decided to officially reform the DA! I have figured out the spell Hermione used to create the galleons which has gotten them up and running again.

George has been extremely worried about me but I have to tell him I’m fine, I do not know how he would react to all that is happening here. I do know he would do anything to keep me safe. Which is exactly why I cannot tell him.


I sit up shocked I did not know she felt she couldn’t tell me exactly how she was. Granted I probably would have tried to get her out of there if things got too bad. So I can see her point but I still wish she could have told me. Thankfully it seems she has been fine so far but I do have a feeling things are going to get worse. I look around to see if anyone is back. No one. I hope it is not because she is hurt, but knowing Celia its because she is either hiding with some first years or flitting around trying to do something to help. If she’s not then… I cant think about it. I look again to see if anyone’s back. No. so I turn back to Celia’s diary to see what happened to her, I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse but I have a feeling it will.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: hi guys sorry its so short they all seem to be anyway hope you liked the chapter and remember please COMMENT so i know what to do thanks xxx

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