Secret love ~One Direction fanfic~

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Authors Note ~
Hi!!! This is my first story, so I'm sorry if it's horrible! Anyways, I hope you like it!!! I will hopefully try to update every day! Or something like that haha Ok hope you like!!!


"DAAAAAD IM HOOOOOME!" I shrieked as I walked through the door. "Dad!" where in the heck could he be. I know we just moved in, but there isn't that many places to hide. "In here, Claire!" My dad said, his voice ringing from the garage. "Oh, hey what are you doing?" I asked while looking at my dad, who was currently sprawled out across the garage floor. I know weird right.

"Oh nothing, just gettin' to know the new garage...yeah ha ha" he said twiddling his fingers. "Okaaay, I'll leave you to it then..." I said awkwardly, my dad and I were for some reason, really awkward around each other, I don't really know why.

I backed out of the garage, and headed towards the kitchen. I tore through the fridge trying to find something to drink. And of course, I found absolutely... Nothing. I loudly sighed, and yelled, "DAD! IM GOING TO STARBUCKS! ILL BE HOME IN A BIT!!"

I grabbed my bag, and my sweater, and left. Wow, The California weather was actually really nice. So, I stripped off my sweater, and stuffed it into my bag.

When I arrived at Starbucks, I ordered my drink, and sat at a table inside. Normally I would sit outside, but it's kinda hot soo yeah. I pulled my phone from my bag, and logged onto twitter.

I kinda stalk a few celebrities on twitter, but why not, I have nothing better to do. My eyes were glued to the bright screen of my iPhone, until the bell on the door chimed, then my attention was focused on the man that walked through. He was tall, curly haired, he was wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a grey beanie. He was quite handsome.

He ordered his drink and looked around for a spot to sit. Then he looked at me, and smirked. He walked straight towards me, and sat down. He looked at me for a few seconds like he was waiting for me to do something. Then he spoke, "hey, how are you?" he said while smiling. "um, I'm good..." I shyly said. "I'm good too thanks for asking." He said with his deep British accent. Wait a second, British, hmm he's not from around here.

"Oh I'm sorry I-" "it's fine haha" he cut me off. "What's your name?" he politely asked, "um Claire" "Claire, what a lovely name" This is kinda awkward, he is nice and everything but I mean he is a complete stranger.

"I'm I think I better go now" "wait, here is my number, and I'm harry" he said while handing me a piece of paper.

Authors note~
Sorry it was so short! It will get longer, I promise!

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