An Angel In my Arms.

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Prologue: A New Beginning

POV: Angelo


      As I stood there, staring down at the world below me I thought of my previous assignment. His name was George and I was his guardian angel.


      Sadly he passed away from old age. So now I get a new assignment.


       As I stood in line waiting, my boss , Phillip, came up to me.


        "You ready Angelo?" he asked


         "As ready as I'll ever be" I replied. I really loved my job, it was amazing. Who knew that when I died at the age of 18 I would be chosen to become a guardian. Most of the guardians are grandfathers, grandmothers, basically old people. I'm the youngest they have ever had.


           Snapping back to reality Phillip handed me a folder with all the info on my new assignment. "Her name is Annabelle Rose Smith, she was born 12 minuets ago to Jack and Amy Smith" he informed me.


          "Ok sounds good, anything else I should know?" I asked


           "Oh yes one more thing. She is psychic so she will be able to see you so you must take human form when you see fit so that we can remain hidden." he said. "Well off you go then." With that he pushed me off the cloud and down to earth.


            After flying for nearly and hour I found the right hospital and hospital room and there she was.


           I walked over to the crib and looked down she was so tiny and she had the most beautiful brown eyes.

           She looked up at me and started giggling to herself. "Hello dear Annabelle. My name is Angelo and I will protect you for the rest of your life." I said through the wind so only she would understand, but not remember it when she was older. I could tell she was staring right at me.


           This is definitely going to be harder than it looks.






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