Aphmau x Aaron [] Pheonix Drop High [] Tsun Tsun Couple

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When Aphmoo got her woolf ears and tail Aaron thought it was a costumes
And den he touched da tail first and Aphmoo blushed so hard and started yelling at him " GIRL WHAT MAKES CHU TINK CHU CAN TOUCH MEH TAIL!!!!???? " Aphmoo yelled liek she was a supersaiyan

" WOT?!??! HOW AM I SUPPOSE 2 KNO DEY WERE REAL?!??!? " Aaron yelled back at her liek he was a supersaiyan too

" I DUN KNO CUZ U WERE SUPPOSE 2 ASK MEH IF DEY WERE REEL!!!! " she yelled back at him and slapped him across teh face and crossed her arms liek a Tsundere

After dat fight Aaron's fwiend came in and pretended liek she was sassyer than Aphmoo
And den Lucinda came in and yelled " OH NO SHE DIDNT!!!! "

Aphmoo gasps and flips her hair like a Super High Class Sassy Tsundere, and Aaron's fwiend didn't give up yet
She kisses Aaron and Aaron blush liek crazy, Aphmoo was jelly and slapped Aaron's fwiend and said " GIRL U KANT TAKE LE SEXY AARON FROM MEH " and Aaron's fwiend cries and explodes
Aaron also blush liek crazy cuz she said dat infront of him
Aphmoo noticed this and kissed Aaron and den said " Don't get da wrong idea becuz I kissed chu and said chu were sexy, BAKA!!! " and den l8r Aaron and Aphmoo gots marrieds, BUTTS! Travis cames in and said " IM FREE FOR TEH LADEHS!!! " and den Aphmoo said " OMG TRAVIS IS SO HAWT " and den decided to marrys Travis and den everyone turned into Neko Atsume cats

Teh End

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2016 ⏰

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