Bark and Bite

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Bark and bite chapter 1

'Stop ... stop it please'

'Only If you tell me where the others are!' he said there where two of them, they where brothers the strong, sexy, built one was beating the crap out of me and the other was tall and kind of cute one had his head in some dusty, old, leather book. .

'Answer my question' the first one shouted

'Dean give her a brake she's only a kid' said the other

Dean turned to his brother 'she's a wear wolf Sam, don't refer to her as human'

'I will never tell you. ' I cried, that got me another right hook to the jaw

'Oh yes you will if you want to live' he said

'you would never kill me' I said testing him

'Sam what does the book say on wear wolfs' he asked his brother

'The book says that they have super speed,strength, hearing and smell and can shift at any time but have the only have no control on the full moon' Sam said not looking up from his book

'I meant about how to kill them' said dean

'Oh we'll anything silver' he said, like I wasn't in the room

'So that means this silver blade will kill this thing' dean said as he turned to me pulling out a long silver blade from his back pocket, I looked at it and slumped back in my seat my eyes turning yellow from fear

'Oh does this scare you little wolf?' he asked sarcastically, I could see the black wolf blood in my hands, this was good I raised my head and let out an ear splitting howl.

A gust of wind passed by me and suddenly the ropes on my hands and feet had gone, then somehow Sam had been tied up

'What the...' but deans word were cut off when a girl stood behind him knife at his neck , she was dark skinned, her dark hair was in braids, it was my friend Rashida

'that's the second time I've had to save your ass this week Charlie, you gotta be more careful' she said smiling

'Oh shut up' I said standing up from the chair, dean looked at his brother

'It's ok he's not dead' she whispered I in his ear, I balled my fists and punched him in the jaw until he was slumped in Rashida's grip

'Come on, let's go ' I said wiping the blood from my burst lip, we heal quick but a broken jaw might take a wile


We walked out of the old wear house they were holding me in and I suddenly I realised how hungry I was

'Can we get some food I'm starving?' I asked Rashida as we passed the town

'Yeah If you have any money' she said I looked at her as if to say "did you seriously just ask me that"

'Yeah totally I've been kidnapped by two crazy ass hunters, beat up, almost rapped but they paid me to do it !!' I said sarcastically

'They tried to rape you??' She asked

'No it was these wierdo guys they dragged me in to an ally and the hunters were trying to save me but I changed so I could fight off the guys and they saw me change so when the other guys had their troughs hanging out the shove me into the boot of their car and drugged me with silver dust' I said lowering me head to look at the ground then I stopped in my tracks we were next to the ally where I was almost raped

'What is this where they ...' I nodded and she cut here words when she saw what I was looking at standing over the body's of the rappist were two boys they wiped their lips ,me and Rashida listened to what they were saying from behind a wall

'Looks like they were killed by a dog' one said they were American but this one had a slight Mexican tone to his voice.

'Yeah taste like it to' said the other, me and Rashida looked at each other "taste!!!" I mouthed to her, she shrugged her shoulders in reply

'Eww I've got hair in my mouth and I don't think it's mine !!' The Mexican one said they started to walk out "oh shit" I mouthed to Rashida "walk away slowly" she replayed

We walked away slowly passed the ally and towards the other side of the of the street
'Hey shawty what yo doing out so late at night' said one of the boys said they where behind us

'Thats none of your business' I said turing to look at them one had a big Afro and dark skin, the other one was built and had his hair tied back

'Maybe it is our business' said the Mexican, Afro guy

'Who are you any way' Rashida asked

'Im Jacob' said the Mexican one

'And I'm Chresanto but people just call me roc' his friend added

'Nice to meet you but we gotta get home' Rashida said grabbing my arm

'But we're not done yet' roc said as he and Jacob flashed their fangs ( shit these dudes are vampires !!)

'Your not the only ones who can do that' Rashida smirked growing out her fangs

'Dogs' he said

'Leaches' I growled
They pined us up against a wall but we pushed them off and turned in to wolf form my wolf form had white fur with a small black patch on my right hind leg where as Rashidas has black fur with a white patch of fur in her left arm

We pounced and landed on top of them knocking them to the ground, we were about to bite their heads of when two more vamps came up behind us and through us off them in to a wall

We were outnumbered when we got up we ran for it all the way to the pack house making sure they didn't follow

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