My name is Tessie brown, I am 16 years old and I love chocolate.
I was lying on my bed texting my Bff grace about the ball game next Saturday when I herd a crash. I ignored it, thinking it was our neighbours cat nibbles...again🙄 and went back to texting. OMG!!! Charlotte is dating Michal those two are just perfect together. I know Charlotte had a major crush on him for like forever. the conversation went something like this:
so, are you going to the ball game next
So am I, did you know Charlotte finally asked Michal out on a date earlier?
No, that is awesome!!! It took a wile though😏
I know
Charlotte had a crush on him didn't she?
A major one
I know
Gotta go eat
Ok bye
I was really getting tired so I started to do my homework and then go to bed when a body comes crashing through my bedroom window...