Master of the game

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‘it must look like an accident . can you arrange that ?’

It was an insult . he could feel the anger rising in him. That was a amateur you picked up from the streets . He was tempted to reply with sarcasm : oh, yes I think I can arrange that. Would you prefer an accident indoor ? I can arrange for him to break him neck falling down a flight of stairs  or he can take an overdose of cocaine or perhaps you would prefer something outdoors ? I can arrange a traffic accident , a plane crash , or a disappearance at sea.

But he said none of those things , for in truth he was afraid of the man seated across him. He had heard too many chilling stories about him  and he had reason to believe them .

So all he said was , ‘yes sir , I can arrange an accident.

No one will ever know .Even as he said the words , the thought struck him: he knows that I know.

The man was studying him with cold eyes . finally he spoke ,  ‘very well . I will leave the method to you.’

‘yes sir. Is the target here in LA?’

‘Iraq. His name is Andy. Andy cross’

A limousine followed by a second car with two armed bodyguards drove the man to the masonic hall , where he was greeted by the head priest of the masonic lodge  stood up  with his golden  necklace of the Masonic Square and Compasses gleaming in the daylight , he quickly walked with priest indoors .

‘how much longer do we have to wait , when will it be prepared for his arrival’ asked the man .

‘Not long my master , the time is close , we are just delayed with our few plans and the construction of the temple , should be completed in 20 years’ the priest replied with his eyes fixed onto the checkered floor of the temple., his fingers trembling with fear , not knowing what would hit him.’

‘ we need the stage ready for the king , the saviour , the messiah and the ruler , do whatever it takes , I’ll give whatever it cost but I want it done fast’ with that he exited the temple and drove away in his limousine. This man had no title or position but he regularly brought and sold prime ministers , ambassadors and kings , he had tentacle everywhere , woven through the woof and wrap of dozens of countries . he was charismatic man , with brilliantly incisive mind , above medium height , with a barrel chest and broad shoulders. He had one of the most amazing toy collection , a fleet of private planes and a dozen apartments , ships and villas scattered around the globe . there were very few players in the world that could challenge him , and he enjoyed a good challenge , there were a few players of this global chess game with whom he had not yet even the score , but he was in no hurry .He enjoyed the planning and the execution. He was known as the Master.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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