Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)

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As I sat down in the room that I shared with Hoody, who wasnt there. I couldn't help, but think about what happened today. What hoody said while we were out hunting in the human world. Hoody and I were just heading home in the woods.

-Flashback 2hrs earlier

Hoody looked at me, but I couldn't tell whay expression he wore upon his face.     

"Today was awesome. Did you see her face she was all, DON'T TOUCH ME U DEMONS." Hoody laughed and I laughed with him. It was pretty funny especially the expression on the girls face. It was a priceless picture imprinted in our minds. Once I stopped laughing I answered him. "And remeber her brother with the gun. He thought he had a chance against two not only high ranked proxies, but two immortals." I rolled my eyes. "What's the chance of you winning there, I don't get it." Hoody laughed hard and leaned against the tree. "Oh my gosh yes, I remeber that."

Once he had control over his laughing he sighed and took off his hood staring into my eyes. His expression looked different. I haven't seen it before on him. He started fidgeting with his jacket strings and stared at the ground. Hoody looked kind of nervous.

"Is something bothering you Hoody?" he shrugged and looked at the sky. Losing interest of the ground. I stepped towards him and leaned on the tree so I was next to him. "You can tell me anything you know that right?" He nodded than took a deep breath and stared into my eyes.

Hoody cleared his throat and opened his mouth, he began to speak. "Masky... I-I've been doing some thinking these past two todays." "Thinking about what." I was interested in what he had to say since he was nervous about telling me.

"I was thinking about my feelings. About if I should trust them or not." I was confused. He didn't know if he could trust his feelings. That was a little weird. "Why shouldn't you trust your feelings? If you feel the way you are than that's the way you feel." He shook his head and looked me in the eyes.

"But my feelings are making feel something that will probably make our friendly relationship awkward or ruined all together." I was shocked. Does he hate me. I wouldn't know what to do if he hated me. "Do you hate me." My voice shook a little at the end which I regretted.  It made me sound week.

His eyes widened and he shook his head. "No Masky I will never hate you. Its something much more. It has nothing to do with hatred!" I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded my head and took off my mask as well. That wasn't one of the many possibilities.  "Come on Hoody please just tell me what's going on."

Hoody nodded and took a deep breath. "I-I think I'm f-falling for y-you." He started to blush and looked away. I was shocked. I never once thouht that he liked me that way. I mean yeah there were many signs, but I just brushed them off thinking they were ordinarily brotherly things. Like when he hugged me a little to long last week or when he would stare at me all the time when he thought I wasn't looking.

He saw my shocked face and turned away from me. "I know its stupid." Hoody said softly. I don't think I have feelings for Hoody. I will always think of him like a brother. Never once in my mind have I thought of him as a boyfriend. Okay maybe one time but that was because of something Eyeless Jack said. I forgot what it was.

I couldn't leave him without an answer. I cleared my throat. "What do you mean that your falling for me." Even though I knew exactly what he ment. I wanted to hear Hoody say it. It was probably a self fish move, but I wanted to know what he thought about it. What was going through his mind.

"I mean, I think I like you. More than a friend and a brother." He blushed more and kicked dirt into the air. I didn't feel the same though. Well I never thought about it and now hearing him say it I might actually have a thing for Hoody, but I wasn't sure. I needed to think. Even if it hurt Hoody. I just didn't know at this very moment. I had to tell him somthing. I needed to lay it down as gently as possible.

"Um...Hoody." I started. Hoody stared at me with wide promising eyes. This was going to be hard. Hoody was a little sensitive at things like this. Things that cut him deeply, but it needed to be said. "Hoody I'm glad that you had the courage to tell me how you feel, but I just don't think I feel the same way." He nodded and his eyes started to glass over. Oh man, I really don't want to hurt him.

"I-I need some time okay." He nodded and before any tears could fall he put on his hood/mask so I couldn't see. I thought thay was cute, and immediately felt guilt form in the pit of my stomach. How could I make my best friend so sad that he had to cover his face so I wouldn't see the water trailing down his face.

"I u-understand Masky" And with that he ran deeper into the woods trying to hide the shuddering sobs that soon formed when he took his first running step.

I hit my face with my hand and sank to my knees. My mind kept telling me it had to be done, but I just don't know because now I'm starting to fall for him too.


Someone was knocking on the door, but I didn't hear because I was still lost in that moment when he ran away from me.

"I'm coming in." It was Jack. He looked like he was wet. Was it raining outside.  "Hey Jack. Is it raining outside? You look a little wet." Jack's eyes turned sad and he sat sat next to me on my bed. "No its not raining. I'm wet because these are Hoody's tears." I turned away from him and felt my eyes burn. No way was I gonna cry in front of Jack.

I took a deep shuddering breath and looked at Hoody's empty bed. "He really likes you man. He didn't tell me anything but... I can tell when someone had their heart broken." I got up and put mt hands on the window sill, leaning slightly forward. It was a clear night outside. I was surprised because it felt like a dark rainy day inside.

"I just don't know Jack. When he told me he liked me I started to feel something...." Jack rose and leaned on the wall next to me. "But?" he said." I grabbed the sill tighter making my knuckles even paler. "But, I just don't know. I mean I just started liking him today based on what he said and I want to see if that feeling will grow or not. I just don't want to say yes right away and end up breaking his heart the next day.You know." Jack nodded urging me to continue.  "So far my feelings have started to grow a little, I just need a week. Or two. I need to think about this." I looked towards Jack. "He's always been my best friend and I've known him for a very long time, I just don't want to mess this up and ruin all that we had. I don't want all of it to go to waste over this."

Jack understood and stood up straight.  "I understand. This is hard, but I just want you to know that Hoody will wait for you. Even if you never will like him and he will be there." I nodded and breathed a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Thanks Jack you always cheer me up when I'm down."

He lifted his mask so his mouth was showing and he smirked "Yeah, but some of those times I'm just repeating what Hoody says to you when your sad."

He walked towards the door and looked back. "I hate when Hoody cries. it gives this whole house a bad feel to it, you know." I nodded.  "Ya I feel it too."

Jack closed the door and I walked over to hoodys bed and picked up the picture of him and I together, getting ready to go to our first hunting.

Something wet fell on it and I realized it was the tears I was holding back. I set the picture on the dresser next to his bed and remembered how soaked Jack's jacket was. That it was so wet I thouht it was rain,  but it was Hoody's tears.

I covered my face with my hands and sank to the floor. "Please Hoody, give me time to think. I want this to work out perfectly, I don't want to hurt you."

I didn't know Jack was on the other side of the door listening to me. Jack smiled relieved that he knew that I feel the same feeling Hoody feels for me. That I liked Hoody more than just a brother or a best friend.

Hooded with a Mask (MaskyxHoody)Where stories live. Discover now