Forget Me Not! [ONE-SHOT]

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Forget Me Not! (One-Shot) by megapsych


"No. Please don't go." I begged as I held her hand, making sure never to let it go but she slipped from my grasp. She then walked away from me. I tried to chase her but no matter how much I ran, I couldn't reach her. It felt like she was miles away from me. I began shouting as I ran. I kept calling out for her but she just continued walking.

"Please." I whispered as tears started forming in my eyes. As if she had heard what I said, she looked back at me and forced a smile which made my body freeze, unable to move. She opened up her mouth and said the words I hated to hear the most.

- - -

"Aaaaaaaaaaah!" I screamed as I woke up from a terrible nightmare. I frantically looked around to see where I was, only to discover that I had fallen asleep in the middle of class. I was the center of attention. Everyone was looking at me like I was a weirdo but they eventually went back to whatever they were doing. As my eyes roamed around the classroom, I then began to notice that Sir Arnold, the annoying English teacher of mine, was nowhere to be found. He wasn't in his usual spot near the window where he should be reading some sappy poems. He also wasn't in his desk. He must have gone to the principal's office, I thought.

Mike, my friend whose seat was next to me, tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Hey, Jasper. You okay?"

"Yeah." I said as I yawned, still a bit sleepy. "So how long was I asleep?"

"Uhm.. For like fifteen minutes or something, I guess." He said quite unsure. "So what happened?"

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows, completely confused. What does he mean what happened?

"You screamed, remember? So what happened?" He asked.

"Oh, It was just a dream."

"So what did you dream about? That was quite a scream, you know."

"Uhm..." I answered unsurely. I tried to remember what it was but no matter how hard I try, I just couldn't remember it. What the hell did I dream of? It must have been something really frightening since I screamed that much. Well whatever it was, I had already forgotten about it.

"Hey, still waiting." Mike complained since he was indeed an impatient person.

"I forgot." I muttered as I yawned again. He just shrugged it off and started doodling in his notebook.

Just as I was about to doze of again, my eyes caught a glimpse of a chair. No one was sitting there. It was just an empty chair. It seemed like no one had sat there since the beginning of school but for some reason, it felt like someone used to sit there. There should be someone sitting there but how come nobody's sitting there?

"Mike." I called.

"Yeah?" He asked as he continued doodling in his notebook, not even bothering to look up.

"That seat over there." I said. "Was it always vacant?"

Mike just continued doodling. He didn't seem to care what I was asking and that kinda made me irritated. I was just about to ask him again when he suddenly looked up and closed his notebook. He glanced over the seat that I was talking about and seemed to carefully examine it. A few minutes later, he faced me again.

"Yeaaah... But nope. Can't remember anyone sitting there." He answered as his eyes squinted, trying his hardest to remember. I slumped back into my seat and let another yawn escape my lips. Is there really nobody sitting there?

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