Leaving the Avengers

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Warning: if you have not seen Captain America Civil War, this contains spoilers.
All characters belong to Marvel.
Natasha Pov.

I knew I couldn't stay. Tony was right. Ross would be looking for me. My best bet was leaving. Besides, after what had happened with Captain and Tony, I didn't want to stay.

A few days after I left, I heard that the Avengers who fought with Captain had broken out of Ross' lovely prison in the sea. Ross went to Clint's farm to try and track him down. The entire family was reported missing. I was more surprised to hear that Tony's Avengers had gone missing as well, with the exception of the Wakandan king, Rhodie and the spider boy.

Steve attempted to contact me. Though he failed to speak to me, he managed, with Tony's help I'm sure, to send me a video message. The message stated that the Avengers were together and in hiding, though they did not say where. Tony stuck his head in and happily reported that Pepper had joined them. Steve added that the Barton family, Thor and Jane were with them as well, and that Bucky had chosen to go back into his frozen state.

Since then, I have reseived two more messages, one from Wanda and one from Clint and Laura.

Wanda joyfully annonced that she had a new boyfriend-Vision. I chose to ignore the fact that he is artifcial intelligence and am happy for them.

Clint and Laura told me that the kids were doing well, despite having to leave the only place they've ever known. Cooper and Lila were enjoying the company of the Avengers and Nathanial was enjoying never not being held. Laura told me that she was pretty mad at Clint at first, but eventually cooled down and decided not to kill him. Clint said he was happy with this decision.

Yesterday, I finally figured out how to send a message back to them. I told them that I was okay and would let them know when I was ready to join them, but first I needed to do something. I didn't tell them what it was, but I'm sure they know.

I am going to find the Hulk.

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