Playing for Keeps (Larry Stylinson)

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so this is my 2nd fanfiction. you guys can read don't let me go if you'd like. it's Larry btw. idea creds from my sister ok bye.

Louis' POV.

Chapter 1

I showed up at the soccer field, holding my black and blue soccer ball under my arm. I saw a group of boys in blue jerseys and jogged over to them. "Louis is here!" one of my team mates, Marcus, yelled. I smiled widely, and dropped the ball to the ground as I approached the team. I received a few high fives from team mates. We did our stretches, and warm ups before Stan; my best friend and the keeper, clapped a hand on my back. "Heard this team is pretty good" he said. "Oh really?" I asked. He nodded. "Got the best keeper in the league. Besides me." We laughed. "We'll just have to try extra hard today then, eh mate?" He chuckled and playfully pushed me. "Let's do this Tomlinson."

I nodded as we started walking to the circle. "Team captains to the circle!" The referee yelled. Me being the captain, I walked to the middle of the circle. A much taller boy stood in front of me. He had a yellow jersey lightly hanging over the team red one. His piercing green eyes went from my cleats to my eyes, scoping my body. I did the same. He had black cleats, white socks, red shorts that hung low enough to show his Hanes underpants line. He had a white jersey with an 18 plastered on the front, that I could see through the keeper jersey. He had a few tattoos decorating his arms, and disappeared underneath the jersey. I traveled up his toned body, our eyes landing on each other's at the same time. I swallowed deeply as he stared into my blue eyes with his green ones. "Shake hands with the opponent." The referee barked. The tall boy reaches out, and I grabbed his hand. Our hands collided and a spark shocked my arm, causing my heart to speed up. He gave it a shake, and dropped my hand just like that. "Now I have either a 1 or a 2 behind my back. One will guess first and who ever gets it right gets to choose the first kick off and the direction they will go in." He ordered. We both nodded, not taking my eyes of each other. He was flawless. He had brown curls, pink lips, and gorgeous green eyes. "Blue, you guess first." the referee said. "Right. I cleared my throat, and tearing my gaze away from the boy. "Uh 1." I said. The other boy chuckled a low laugh. My heart skipped. "What if I wanted to guess 1." He said in a low raspy voice that made my knees weak. "Not now, Styles." The referee said. I chuckled. "Then you better hope its 2." I said. He shot me one of those crooked half smiles, making a dimple appear. I melted even more, smiling back at him. "it was 1. Blue, would you like to kick off or for red to?" "let's kick off." I said. "Blue kick off!" The referee announced. I gave the boy a mischievous smile and stuck out my tongue. He winked and turned around, showing me his STYLES 18 jersey. I blushed furiously, trying to hold back the smile. I walked to the edge of the circle. The boy strapped on his gloves, and I tapped at my shin guards.

The whistle sounded, and I kicked the ball to my right, passing it to my best mate, Zayn. We played the ball up and down the field for minutes, nearly scoring once or twice against us. We were about 10 minutes into the game, the score tied. Stan picked up the ball. He drop kicked the ball to the side, landing it right beside Zayn. He took it down the sideline, only to get the ball taken away by a blonde boy with blue eyes. He kicked the ball all the way down to the full backs. Someone shouted a "GOOD KICK NIALL!" and I realized it came from the keeper.

My stomach churned, as I felt the ball hit my shin. I cursed, shaking the boy from my mind. I kicked the ball infront of me, chasing after it. I dribbled down the side, dodged an on coming red jersey, and continued down the field. I felt someone kick at my shins, and kicked the ball to the right of them, swerving over the boy and taking the ball to the middle. I ran up, right to the goal, and kicked it into the left corner as the ball shot into the net. The boy grabbed the ball and tossed it to the referee as the whistle blew. I turned around as my team members began crowding me, slapping my back and shouting "Good kick, Louis!". I shot a glance back to the keeper, who was seductively leaning against the post. He shot me a look, and winked. I blushed as we continued jogging down the field. "You know the keeper, Lou?" Zayn asked, slapping my butt. "Him? No, no I don't know him." I said, blushing. "looks like he's got the hots for you!" He said, as we approached the circle. "No way Zayn, he's a dude, he likes GIRLS." I said, getting into position. "Whatever you say, Lou." He said, skipping to his spot of the circle.

5 minutes later, after running up and down the field, I had the ball in my possession again. I was right in the corner of the goal box. I hurriedly passed the ball to the center forward, who kicked it at the goal. I bit on my bottom lip as the keeper jumped up and grabbed the ball, ran out and drop kicked it to the middle of the field. I sighed and ran over to Zayn. "Don't look now, but he's staring at you." He said. "Really, jeez he's so hot Zayn." I panted, blushing furiously. "He obviously things the same about you. He's basically eating you with his eyes. I turned my gaze off the grass and up to the boy. His green eyes darted through my blue ones. He pointed a finger at me and pointed the ground, as if to say 'you're going down'. I chuckled and motioned my hands downward as if to say 'get some'. He laughed and bit his bottom lip, shaking his head. I winked, and turned back around, just in time to see the ball fly past Stan's hands and into the net.

I turned around. The boy shrugged, and motioned his hands downwards, mocking me, as he mouthed 'get some'. I choked on my spit while laughed, and stuck my tongue out at him. I'll just say; he's sexy as hell. He winked at me, while smiling. I shook my head, laughing and walked back to the circle.

Half time rolled around, and we sat on the ground, drinking our water and breathing heavily. "I'm seeing some chemistry between you and the keeper, eh lou?" Stan asked. I choked on my water and started laughing. "No, I don't even know the kid." I said, laughing. "Oh come on, you're kidding" He said. "No. I really don't know him." I said. He shook his head and laughed. We had a team pep talk, and did a team cheer, before heading back out to the field, switching sides. The whistle blew and the blonde boy kicked off the ball. The game went pretty even, getting the ball and taking it down, just for the other team to kick it to the other side. This went on for about 15 minutes until the ball was passed to my feet, and I took it down to the goal box. I weave through about 4 players, and passed the ball to Zayn who immediately kicked the ball right through the beautiful keeper's hands. Me and Zayn chest bumped while the team cheered, and the whistle blew. I turned to the keeper, who was smirking. I jokingly blew him a kiss and ran down the field.

We won the game 2-1.

After the game had ended, we stood in a line and began walking towards the other team, high giving each member. My hand collided with the keeper's, as he stared into my eyes. "Good job out there, Tomlinson" He whispered in my ear. Shivers shot down my spine. "Not too bad out there yourself, Styles." I said. He winked. I blushed. Minutes later, my team was sat in a circle on the side lines a while everyone else began packing up. The other team was sat in a circle a well. I made eye contact with the boy before shooting my eyes to the ground. We talked about improvements to make, and accomplishment we had made. After we did one last cheer, we all headed to the parking lot. I threw my drawstring back pack over my shoulder and opened the car of my dark blue Mini Cooper. The door was slammed closed by a hand coming around my waist. I followed the arm that led to the tall boy in blue. My heart leaped. I leaned against the car on my back, as he pressed his fore arm to the window. "Look at you." I chuckled, folding my arms. "Look at me" He said, seductively. I laughed. "You're unbelievable." I said. "Just like you" He said, half smiling. I hit his chest. "Stop" I said jokingly, laughing. "I'm not doing anything." He said in a low voice, while I folded my arms over my chest. "You look hot." he muttered. I chuckled. "In what way do you mean that?" "In whatever way you prefer." I chuckled. "I don't even know your name." He bit his lip. Which I found extremely sexy. "Harry." he said. I nodded. "Louis." I said, a bit of cockiness in my voice. Harry grabbed one of my hands. "Well Louis, I hope to see you around." He said, bringing my hand to his lips. He kissed my hand, shooting electricity through my arm. I just laughed. "You're rediculous." He winked. "And you like it." He said. I smiled. "Go back to your pretty boys, Styles." "Them? Oh, they're not nearly as pretty as you." He said, dropping my hand. I nodded. "Don't you forget it." I snidely remarked. He chuckled, and turned around, and began walking back. I shook my head.

He walked over to a group of boys in red jerseys, as they dumped almost a gallon of water all over him. He let out a shriek, before grabbing another water container and splashing another boy. I chuckled and got in my car just in time to watch his shirt get torn off over his head. I slammed the door shut and stared at the boy. he had tattoos down his arms and on his chest. I bit my lip, and started the car. He flipped his hair up, laughing as he did. I needed to drive away before I got a massive problem. As if on command, someone held a container of water above his head, but he grabbed it, using all of his strength to keep it from tipping on his head. His muscles bulged out of his tattooed arms and dripped with water. I inhaled sharply and quickly backed out of the parking space. I shot one last glance and he was staring right at me. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out as if he were licking something. I whimpered slightly and smiled at him before turning down the street and driving away.

that's chapter 1. comment and vote yay bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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