Special (Part 2)

64 6 7


Team Harry

Still Standing:
Team Luna
Team Draco
Team Ginny
Team Ron
Team Hermione


Hermione: *calling Professor McGonagall* Hello. Do you know anything about Slenderman? *McGonagall responds ("no")* What?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!?! I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE ON THIS NOW!!! Wait, my screens fuzzy, what does that mean Professor? *McGonagall responds ("you lost")*
WHAT?!? I LOST?!? *gets mad and chucks computer across the room*

Luna: *Looks at a wall* O MY GAWD!! This is terrifying!! IT'S GONNA GET ME!! IM DONE FOR IT!!! *screams and then Neville comes and tells her it's just a wall (NUNA!!!!)* oh......nevermind........

Draco: ok so I think I have to walk up to this creepy man. That's probably how I win. *gets killed by Slenderman (in the game)* YES I WON!!!! *someone tells him that he actually lost* ._. *cries*

Ginny: ok........ok.........what the heck? *dabs* Wake up in da morning then I dab *someone tells her to pay attention* oh yeah......yeah......right.

Ron: I hate this game *chucks computer out the window

Narrator: well I guess he's out......

Eliminated this round:
Team Hermione
Team Draco
Team Ron

Still standing:

Team Luna
Team Ginny

Who? Will? Win?

Vote for who you want to win!!! Finale is coming soon

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