i don't like liars.

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I saw them in the garden first. Then in my room. Then my head.

People probably think I'm crazy. I don't think I am. Then again they say that crazy people never think they are. Am I crazy? I guess I'll never know. I will be here long enough to know, will I? they said they would take me somewhere special. Somewhere where the voices can't hurt me. I don't know what they're talking about.the voices are my friends, not my enemies.

The people told me I hurt my mommy.I don't believe them. They also said I hurt dad. and my brothers and sisters. they just need to wake up, is all. I told him that and they said that I did something strange to them while I was hungry.

They said they were taking me to a safe place, but I saw the sign. they are taking me to the hospital. They lied. I don't like liars.

People probably think I'm crazy. I don't think I am. Then again they say that crazy people never think they are. Am I crazy? I guess I'll never know. I will be here long enough, will I?

they said I hurt the people. They said they would take me somewhere special. I saw solitary confinement on the door. I don't like liars.

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