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A/N: This is for a wattpad competition by Sincerely_Anne. It is based on the song Honestly by Hot Chelle Rae. I wrote it quickly (with a lot of editing) and it's pretty short. On the occasion you do like this, I probably won't write another chapter...this was just a prompt. Unless anyone really wants me to.

 Thanks for reading :) 

I blow out a puff of cold hair; my cheeks flush from the cold. Dead leaves crunch under my feet as I keep my head down, lost in my own thoughts. The weather has changed literally overnight, from cool to freezing. I glance at my school's usually opened doors, that are now locked. It's about 10 AM, an hour and a half after my school usually starts.

Sighing, I turn back to my car. Just one day, one day skipped wouldn't mean that much. It's not that I don't have any friends or was depressed or whatever. I live a fairly healthy social life. A girlfriend, a small group of genuine friends, I have nothing to complain about. But it all feels so suffocating and constricting, not particularly my friends. I'm talking about Madison; my great girlfriend. But still there's nothing wrong with our relationship; I guess.

I have just pressed the unlock button to my car, and thrown my backpack into the passenger's seat when I hear a loud hollering behind me. My body freezes, but I proceed on, convincing myself I heard nothing.

"Mr. Adrian Parker!" I hear a shrill voice behind me cry. "Where on earth do you think you're going?"


I turn around slowly, and defeated sling my backpack across my shoulder. "I'm coming, Mrs. Heffley." A light coat of snow has begun to fall, and I have an excuse not to look Mrs. Heffley in the eyes as I shuffle into the school building. Annoyed, I wait in the front office line for seemingly an eternity to get my tardy (as in extremely tardy) slip. As I give the lady with a vomit-colored sweater my name and grade she gives me a nasty look, as if to say, Truancy is unacceptable.

Wearing a sweater that hideous seems rather unacceptable to me. I'm forced to give her that fake smile of gratitude teenagers wear constantly. The bright orange walls of our school seem even brighter than usual, and almost taunting as I drag my feet to my locker. My backpack is stuffed in my locker with more force than usual, and I drag out my vandalized binder for 3rd period Biology.

I don't want to be here. I don't want to walk these halls. I don't want to have to digest information I'll forget the next day. I don't want to have to make fake small talk to people I can't care less about, considering I have one class with my real three friends. And most of all, I don't want to see Madison.

I can hear trivial chatter from classrooms as I walk past them slowly, dreading the class I have with Madison. I certainly don't hate Madison; I don't hate my girlfriend. But that's exactly it, I can't. It's nearly impossible to hate her, with her perfect looks displayed by her glossy brown hair, perfect grades and perfect personality. I should be grateful to have her, and in some way I am. But that's just it. The only reason I have a huge group of "friends" and someone to talk to in every single class is because of her.

Everyone knows Madison, and everyone loves Madison. Having her as a girlfriend is like whoa. One day I'm just an average guy with a few friends, and a normal life and suddenly I become the life of the party. But of course, only second to Madison. I know I'm nothing without Madison, and I can't help but feel some resentment toward her. But breaking up with Madison just because she gets more attention than me would be a total dick move. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Lord knows how long it'll be until the nasty stares would die down. How long it'd be before I'd hear that Madison sobbed in the bathroom because of me.

Madison is perfect though, in every single way that it's almost scary. But I'm not the only one who has noticed, everyone has. And everyone wants to be close to her, just to get a touch, a single touch of the glory that is the Madison Perfection. It gets rather tiring.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2013 ⏰

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