Chapter 1

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"Rise and shine."

Xena stood above Gabrielle holding a frying pan. Gabrielle opens her eyes and smiles.

"It's been nearly four months and I still can't believe you're back and you're mine."

"You might not be smiling after you taste this. I'm not the best cook but I wanted to surprise you with breakfast."

Gabrielle sits up, pulling the blanket up to cover her chest.

"What is it?"

"A rabbit and berry mix thing. I got creative."

Gabrielle gives a half hearted laugh.

"Alright, I'll try it."

Gabrielle takes a bite, pausing before devouring all that was in the pan.

"Was it really that good?"

"It was amazing but you know what would go really good with it? Goose eggs."

"You hate goose eggs. Are you feeling alright?"

"I feel fine."

Xena scrapes a little off the bottom of the frying pan and tastes it. She immediatly gags. Shaking her head she scrapes the pan clean and packs it in the saddlebag.

"Get dressed. We're already running late."

"Late? Late for what?"

"It's a surprise."

Gabrielle dresses and continues bombarding Xena with questions as they walk along.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know when we get there."

"Is it in a town?"


"Is it a party?"


"Will there be other people?"


"You aren't going to tell me, are you?"

"Nope. I told you it was a surprise."

Gabrielle continues to question Xena for the next few hours until they reach a break in the trees.

"Close your eyes. No peeking."


Gabrielle closes her eyes and Xena covers them to assure she wasn't peeking.

"Now walk forward carefully. A little to the right. Okay."

Xena leads Gabrielle to the middle of a clearing and up some stairs.

"Okay, open."

Gabrielle opens her eyes.

"Surprise! Happy birthday, Gabby."

In front of her was the smiling face of Aphrodite.

"Today is my birthday, isn't it. It's been so long since I've celebrated it that I completely forgot. You normally prank me, Xena."

"That was breakfast. Now we have an extra special present this year. I don't want to have to spend many lifetimes trying to find you, so Aphrodite has helped me make this birthday a very special one. No more worrying about death or suffering. Just me and you, forever."

"Although it will be a bit more complicated than I anticipated considering."

"Considering what?"

"Wait, you don't know? Boy is this going to be some news."

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