midnight heat

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Hiyah again guys so i decided to write up a story based on teacher/student love story it is girlxgirl and other than that hope you enjoy thanx

"I remember being used to going out from my ideal little world my mind full of mass creation and determination but i guess its too over crowded from the lack of nonsense i get thrown at me I'll never ever find a place in this town anymore not ever"

Oh yeah sorry readers i forgot to introduce myself I'm keyla , I'm 17 and i live with my mother and farther and well ..... well they've both just made me move from our home town to come live here , dragged out of my school life and away from all my mates who they call troubled too heartbreaking (waves finger) tch


I remained still seated in the back of our car, my skin stuck to my leather jacket from the midnight heat the ride was a long 8 hr drive and it was the night for a mild heatwave and i was in no shape nor mood but to sleep if that was somewhat possible i just hope that they would leave me in peace now due to my exhaustion

Then there it came again the witches bellow calling me to her attention she's the reason we moved just cos she dislikes my mates is it a joke..........


finding the strenght to climb out the car i snarled throught my teeth as i finally stepped out looking up at the old house in a sigh it didn't look that bad there was a pond spreading across the lawn with plants springing out below the ponds bed , it was like an old mansion but smaller and with cobwebs smoothered the walls but no gates.....where's the gates that spoilt it's creation : (

'Stepping into the house i did as asked but with slight attitude before later i slumped down on the creaky stairs , face palming i began to sigh in despair before deciding to drag my heavy body up the stairs

placing the boxes down into my new room i stood up straight working my muscles to relax before dropping my head back letting out a sigh of relief i began to notice the wallpaper works peeling away damn it more work but then something caught my attention as i walked over to the bed , i caught myself gaze towards my dusted window seeing an car pull up just across the yard i slid behind the curtains and began taking small peeks like the nosey bitch I am haha

A woman got out of the car but i couldn't see her properly a huge Rose bush blocked my view damn it , yah see readers that's the perks in life things you wanna see gets blocked and always gets in the way bleh may as well call it a day and grab some sleep i decided sinsce it was close to the early hours like thanx to mom and dad

Grabbing my duvet and pillows out of the package i threw myself onto the bed letting my brown silky hair spread the pillows i felt destroyed and still sticky , but as soon as my head hit the fluffed pillow that was it i was done for the night distraught from thinking of any other chapters of chores or slavery I'll be breaking my back for tommorow can't wait....


I had school today i need a break i feel like a slave , groaning an moan almost like a cat i felt myself get aggetated whilst tangling my body in the bed sheets i couldn't find the strength to get out of the bed it was gonna be a long day but i could lay here forever tch i wish ,, ,finally getting up i began by walking into the bathroom before starting on my morning routine but gradually showing it in a slow pace eyeing the door for anyone walking in , being stubborns my key card and my dad , well he just ain't any casual farther lets say he's dumb and my mother well she's over protective of everyone and she's even afraid of a mouse xD, afterwards of applying my eyeliner and gradually poking it in my eye, putting my boots on and dressing i crept downstairs in a slow pace barely making any noise and bit my tongue for hope of escape until i felt the outdoor breeze hit my face i set off into the morning sun on my journey , walking down the long lane of my home

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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