Training with Gajeel

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Jeez I love Jet and Droy but seriously? They are like 9 years older than me now, AND they know I don't think of them like that, more like brothers. I do think of SOMEONE like that, but, I can't tell him. He might make fun of me. Plus Lu-chan might think it's silly of me of course. I mean he did do that one thing that one time. But he's much better now, he always protects me, and I hope it's not just because of the past. I hope to Mavis it's because He likes me to.

My head was buried in a book while I was thinking about all of this, but I couldn't focus of the words. Only thoughts of Him."Oi, Shrimp! Let's go. We gotta make you bigger after all, Gihihi." I looked up just to see Him, the person who has been plauging my thoughts, Gajeel Redfox. Quickly, I marked my page and put my book in my bag, standing up and walking over to him, only to hear protests from Jet and Droy. "Yeah, let's go. Don't forget you are buying tonight."

He and I have been training on our free days since the Exam. And after a while, we started to eat together, I mean we DO get hungry from training so long.

"Yeah yeah, Whatever Shorty. Let's just get going. Lily is waiting for us there to 'referee' as he said. Gihi" Gajeel smirked and gave his characteristic chuckle. We walked out of the guild, to the clearing in the forest where we have been training for the last few weeks.

I saw Lily, Gajeels Exceed, and best friend up ahead, and couldn't help but to sprint forward and swoop him up into my arms, I mean he is ADORABLE. "Hello Levy. I trust your day has been pleasent so far?" Lily spoke from his spot in my arms.

"Why yes of course Lily, perhaps we can discuss the book I was reading later? I was rather looking forward to training as well. It's been a few days, and Jet and Droy refuse to train with me for fear of hurting me. It's kind of boring and aggravating if I can be honest."

Lily shook his head in understanding of that issue, he knew how Jet and Droy were with me, and why I ABSOLUTELY hated it. "Well, hopefully Gajeel and I can help you today with your training. Gajeel is going to do the endurance and stealth training. Whereas I shall do the sparring.

After all, you can't just spar with Gajeel all the time. Let's warm up and then you and I can spar." I couldn't help but blush as Lily's comment, and of course Gajeel walked up to us then. We started to do some stretches and jumping jacks, and well as a few pushups and situps just to warm up our muscles.

"Alright Levy, let's get started on sparring, Gajeel please step back to give us space. Levy get in your stance." Lily commanded us. I moved into my stance, pen in my hand and slightly crouched so my center of gravity was a bit lower and more stable. Lily changed to his battle form and drew out his sword, BusterMarm, before rushing forward to attack me.

"Solid Script: Hole!" I placed a hole in front of Lily as he came towards me, but he was quick and was able to dodge it before falling in. I moved over a few paces and quickly thought of the next attack I could use.

"Solid Script: Fire!" I threw the fire towards Lily, I knew he wasn't going to be really harmed by it. He barely managed to dodge it and still was coming towards me. I had no more time to plan anything out he was to close.

"Solid Script: Air!" It pushed Lily back enough that I had space to rush towards him only to slide between his legs and pop back up behind him and keep running while turning back for another hit

"Solid Script: Iron!" It fell on Lily's head and knocked him to the ground. After which he stood up and went back to his normal chibi like form.

"Good job Levy, you were able to dodge my attacks and think quickly enough to get away and stun me." Lily congratulated me as he walked towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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