Percy Jackson: A Half-Blood Assassin

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Percy Jackson: A Half-Blood Assassin

Third Person’s Pov


Perseus I thought it was about time, since it is nearing your 13th year, I sent you to your true home a place called Camp Half-Blood. It is located in Long Island, New York. I know it’s different from Tiber Island, Italy, but you’ll have to adapt. You will train there until Chiron, your activities director, sees fit to tell you otherwise. You will also teach the campers our ways of the Creed. There will be others like you, demigods, but you will still be different. I hope they will accept you like we have in the Brotherhood. Chiron will be waiting for you near the camper’s cabins he expects you by mid-night, but if you cannot make it he will assume you have gone to Hades. He has all the answers you have been looking for from your 13 years of being an assassin. Perseus I’ve always respected that you’ve worked hard and fought well for the Brotherhood. I will dearly miss my best student.

Your Maestro, Ezio Auditore da Firenze.


Percy shoved the letter from Ezio back into his dark jeans’ pocket. His Maestro had given him the letter at the airport yesterday morning and told him not to open it until he got into the camps’ borders. Why had Ezio never told him about this place Camp Half-Blood? There were others like him? But he was still different from even them. His thoughts left him as he heard twigs snapping behind him, shit. The only thought in his mind now was monsters.

     Annabeth’s Pov

Why had Chiron told all the consolers including me to meet him outside our cabins? I have no idea, and I know what you’re thinking a daughter of Athena clueless? Especially since it’s a quarter to mid-night, I’m in my pajamas, and freezing my but off in the mid August air in short shorts and a small tee. I didn’t know, but I was going to get answers.

“C-Chiron why are we out here in the middle of the night?”

“Well my child we are meeting a new camper.”

“What no way we’re getting a new camper?” Travis and Connor Stoll said dumfounded, nothing new there.

“Why was he not escorted by a Keeper?” Grover replied hesitantly, typical satyr.

“He can handle himself Grover.”

“But he hasn’t been trained.” Clarisse snarled.

“Oh he has been trained alright far different from the camps.” Chiron said looking down at his watch.  

That got me thinking a demigod that has been put through training far different from ours? If the training was different what kind was it?

“Ah and here he comes.” Chiron pointed to the forest trees where about 100 feet away a dark shape was sprinting towards our direction. He was going pretty darn fast faster than any hellhound that I’ve ever seen and I only knew that because there were a couple nasties behind him. He wore a black hood and black robes with a red utility belt around his slender waist. He also had a black glove with some kind of metal plating on it on his right hand as well as a shiny metal bracer on his right forearm. On his left arm, he had another bracer except that this one had a weird crest on it in red. That same crest was buckled to the front of his sash via sword belt. I also noticed that he wore no glove over his left hand, he had some very strange armor over his chest it was like under armor with pieces of some sort of metal, he wore a dark blue half cape, there was a sword on that belt of his, and there were golden bloody knives sticking out from his bracers, which he promptly retracted, resulting in his looking extremely badass. He started sprinting towards a tree, right next to my cabin, and right before he slammed in to it he jumped onto it feet and all running sideways up a tree. I gaped when he did a back flip in mid air and, grabbed some knives from his belt. Thronging the knives at the devil dogs he landed perfectly on the top of the Athena cabins’ roof right when there was an explosion. Where the hellhounds were standing was a mound of gold powder and black rubble from where the knives had exploded on impact. The dark hooded figure looked back at us and gave our little group a once over then sprinted from roof top to roof top. He jumped from the Hermes cabins roof to a big tree next to us sprinting down it.

Dietro di te!” he yelled pointing behind me. Was that Italian? Mr. Shady did a front flip into our little consoler circle and took out a sword from his belt in the process swinging with perfect grace. I looked where he was pointing and practically fainted, another monster truck was about to pounce.  Moving past me he punctured the stray hellhound like a pin cushion with one swift motion it disintegrated into golden powder. He turned back to me, his hood still guarding his face.

Va tutto bene?” (Are you alright) He asked. Yep it was Italian, but I still had no idea what he was saying. I just stood there like an idiot gaping.

“Sir we don’t speak Italian.” Silena Beauregard replied.

“Ah,” he said hitting his head, “Sorry forgot this was New York.”

“Ok… so how did you do those awesome flips?” Beckendorf questioned impressed.

“Dame that was totally badass!” Connor replied.

“So badass!” Travis smirked idiotically.

“Ah…what is badass mean again?” Mr. hooded asked the brothers, uh oh.

“Don’t listen to them they’re bad influences.” Chiron smirked. The hoodie quickly knelt in front of the centaur.

“I am sorry maestro Chiron monsters attract to me easily. My maestro Ezio has talked of you often. He gave me this right before my plane left for departure.” He said handing Chiron an envelope with the same weird crest as his armor.  

Chiron quickly read through the letter and nodded slipping it into his tweedy jacket. “I forgot campers he is also your new instructor, and happy birthday Mr. Jackson,” WHAT, “Oh and you can take off the hood now Percy the campers can know your identity, you’re safe here.”

He hesitantly took off his hood. “What about those monsters?” The boy couldn’t be more than my age he had fair pale skin, Greek style jet black hair that fell right above his beautiful sea green eyes that reflected nicely in the moon light. So in other words he was hot. 

“They’re stalked in the woods for games.” 

“But Chiron don’t you think he is a little young to train us.” I asked.

“No, his birthday is today and he is a very skilled assassin, top of his class.”

“Wait did you say assassin?” The Stolls replied probably peeing their pants.

“Well my maestro didn’t want me killing people at only 13 years old, but he trained me for it if needed. So yeah, all be training you guys.” Percy said quickly.

“ So who is your godly parent?” Beckendorf asked.

“The camp has a lake right?” Percy said widely smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2011 ⏰

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