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Jacks PoV
Rapunzel stood in front of me she had her arms crossed over her chest and she gave me the death glare

Punz: what do you want
Jack: I want to explain
Punz: fine you got 2 minutes
Jack: okay so I was walking home I had a drink in my hand but I wasn't drinking it I was saving it until I got home for me and you just to have a little drink while Millie was at her friends house then Gogo the girl who was obsessed with me came running to me and started kissing me and my eyes were blurry so I thought it was you and I kissed back but when my eyes went back to normal I pushed her off of me

Punz: your telling the truth or not
Jack: I am promise
Punz: well you've never broken a promise until now

Jack: so will you move back in
Punz: I'll think about it
Jack: okay let me know
Punz: don't worry I will

Then she closed the door and I walked back to the house I was kinda relived that she didn't shut the door in my face because I saw in a tv programme that a man cheated on his wife because some random girl came and kissed him and she went to her friends house and when he tried to explain she shut the door in his face which I'm glad that Rapunzel didn't do that to me I hope she stays Rapunzel frost and not go back to Rapunzel corona I want us to stay together forever and plus it isn't fair on Mille we can't split up and let her suffer because of my doing I reached my house well our house and I walked in my room well our room and walked in the bathroom and I saw something sharp with blood on I saw a note

Dear Jack
I'm sorry for the cutting I did but I was depressed like I said but I've stopped until now before I left I did a little cutting and that's why there is a blade and blood on it I'm so sorry for hurting you
Love from Rapunzel frost xxxxx

She has been cutting again I was snapped out of my thoughts by the doorbell I ran downstairs
End of PoV
Rapunzel PoV
I closed the door on Jack and walked back to the girls they looked at me and gave me a weak smile

Anna: I'd say leave him
Elsa: I say give him a second chance
Merida: I agree with Elsa
Punz: really
Elsa: yeah you two are perfect together
Anna: I agree with that
Punz: I'm gonna do it
Merida: do what leave him
Punz: no I'm gonna give him a second chance I'm gonna grab my stuff and then collect Mille and then go back to our house

Merida: good luck
Punz: thanks

I packed all my stuff and got Mille and walked to my house well the frost household  I reached our house and knocked on he answered the door and gave me a wide smile and then he gave me a huge hug I smiled

Jack: have you thought about it
Punz: does this answer your question

I kissed him and he kissed back he pulled away

Jack: yes it does
End of PoV

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