The guy next door (A ThatcherJoe Fanfiction)

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Angie's P.O.V:

Today was finally the day. The day I was moving to England. I had been living in Switzerland for as long as I could remeber. I always wanted to move to England but I never thought that one day, I would be able to actually go! I said goodbye to my parents yesterday so I wouldn't have too much stress. My plane had arrived in Switzerland at 10 am. I took my bags and smiled to myself. Goodbye. I thought.. Wow. I was really leaving. It was a weird feeling. Anyway, I entered my plane and had a lon and lovely flight.

After a few hours, the plane I was in landed in Heathrow. From there I went to my new appartment with a cab. It was quiet through the whole drive. When the cab arrived at my new place, I gave him some money and entered my appartment with my bags. Oh no, don't bother about the bags, I can handle them.I gave the cab driver an angry look. Just as I had entered the place, a tall blond haired boy walked out of the appartment opposite mine. He looked at me, smiling as I did the same. ''Hi! I'm Joe. Nice to meet you. You must be Angie!'' His voice was deep and beautiful. ''Hey! Yeah I am. Its nice to meet you too. Uhm, you have a YouTube channel don't you?'' I smiled. ''Yes I do! Its always nice to meet fans!'' Fan. I didn't like the sound of that. It sounded like he called me just another fangirl.''Don't worry, I'm not going to stalk you.'' I giggled, he did the same. ''Can I help you with your bags?'' The fact that he was a gentleman made him so much more attractive.''That would be really nice.''

I still couldn't belive it. I just met The Joe Sugg and he was helping me carry my bags inside my new appartment. I smirked at that thought. After carrying all the bags inside, I cought him looking at me from the corner of my eye. ''What are you looking at?'' I said playfully. ''Nothing.'' He smiled and looked at the ground. ''Well you obviously were looking at something.'' ''I was just looking at how pretty you are.'' he smirked. I felt absolutely amazing. No one ever really told me something like that. I was going through depression problems since I got bullied in pretty much every school for being different. I never really knew why I was different. Probably because I was more matture then them. They were 19 and still laughed at poop jokes. I always was matture. I always could talk to the grown- ups about, well, 'Stuff that grown-ups talk about'. But I was also smarter then all of them. Pretty much all of the girls in my schools lost their virginity at 16 and I still had it with 19 years old and I was proud of that fact. ''So, I should get going. It was really nice metting you Angie.'' ''Where are you going? I'm not trying to sound weird I'm just a nosy person thats all.'' I giggled. ''I'm going to meet up with some of my friends, you might know them: Alfie, Caspar and Zoe. Zoes my sister.'' my face was in shock. He was going to see some of my favorite YouTubers! ''Omg... I can't even... Well, I hope you have a lot of fun!'' I smiled. ''Thanks but, I think I would have a lot more fun with you there too...'' he smirked at me as my eyes widend. Did he want me too come with him too meet Alfie, Caspar and Zoe? I mean, we literally just met... ''What are you saying?'' ''Would you like to meet them?'' he smiled. ''That would be so amazing! But I'm afraid... What if they don't like me?'' my facial expressions went from excited to concerned. ''They will! I promise!'' he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me out the door and led me too his car.

Since I had a T-Shirt on, Joe was able too see my scars as he was pulling my arm. I noticed he was staring at them so I pulled my arm away and place my other one on the scars. ''Whats that?'' He asked looking concerned. ''Nothing. Don't worry.'' ''Listen, I know we've only known each other for about half an hour and I have no right to say this but: Please, don't. You don't have to tell me your story if you don't want to. I just want you too stop. You're the most beautiful girl I've seen in a long time and I want you to know that.'' I appreciated that he didn't want to know every single detail like everyone else. ''I wont, I promise. That's the reason why I moved to England anyway: To start a new life. But thank you, I never get any compliments. From anyone. Especially not from hot YouTubers.'' we giggled and he opened the door for me wich made me approve of him even more.

Joe's P.O.V:

Angie was a really special girl. She was different then all the other girls. I liked that. As we were driving too Alfie and Caspars house, I got a text message from Zoe: ''Meet us at Tanya and Jim's house xx'' Angie stared at me as if I wouldn't notice. ''Who was it? Again, I'm sorry, I'm really nosy!'' She giggled. She had such a cute giggle. ''It was Zoe, We have too meet her at Tanya and Jim's house. If you don't know them: They're really nice friends of ours.'' ''I know Tanya and Jim! I know pretty much all british YouTubers Joe.'' She winked. ''Thats good to know since you're gonna see a lot of british YouTubers from now on.'' we laughed and then we both went into and akward silence. ''So, you speak Enligish really well. How come?'' She rolled her eyes as if she had to answer this for the 10. time. I couldn't blame her, I mean, I bet she got that qustion asked a lot but thats only because she really spoke Enlgish very well for being from a different country. She spoke in a very posh british accent aswell. '' Long story short: My mum's from England and my dad's from Switzerland. Its really simple.'' She said as she looked over too me. Her green eyes sparkled in the sun. When we finally arrived at Tanya and Jim's house, Zoe opened the door and looked rather surprised. ''Hey Zoe! This is Angie. She's the girl I told you about. The one who lives in the appartment next door to mine. She's new here in England so I thought I'd show her arround.'' I pointed at a happy-looking Angie. ''Hi Angie! Nice too meet you! I'm-'' Angie interrupted Zoe while smiling and gigglig at the same time: ''Zoe Sugg! Aka Zoella280390! I watch your vids all the time.'' ''Aww thanks! Guys come in, Tanya, Jim, Caspar and Alfie are inside.'' Zoe blushed after saying Alfie. I think theres something going on between them. If so, then I'm really happy for them but if Alfie hurts my sister, I can't trust him any more.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this imagine :) I really want to Keep working on it so, if you want me to, I definately carry on! If you like Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell), then go check out my other imagine: The kiss. I made two parts already ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2014 ⏰

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