Gone to Five Nights At Freddys

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In the day Breanna need to make some money as part of her share of paying the rent. She don't have enough money so she walk around town until she saw a help wanted sigh it for a night shift. It said if you get trough all five night you get paid 1,000 dollers she sprint happy to the boss she got the job and went back to her apartment and went to bed until 11:55.
Night 1
Breanna went inside of five night at freddy Pizzaria and it was almost midnight when she got into her chair the bell ring it was midnight a phone rang Breanna put it on speaker. The phone guy said hello hello welcome to the first night the aniatronic won't hurt you at all so be carefull and be safe Breanna was surprised. So Breanna look at the camera the aniatronic was gone Bonnie was outside the door,chica us right outside the bathroom, and I don't know where freddy is Breanna said it only 3am I'm was scared Bonnie wasn't out there no more when I open the door Bonnie pop out but I already close the door I was fast Breanna said. It was 5am my power was at 10% I was scared and when I was a few min away when I look out the window chica was on one side and Bonnie was at the other I didn't have power when freddy appeard it was 6am just at the Nick of time the morning shift guard came i ran out i went home and got to bed untile next.

Part two will come out

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