Chapter Three: Sparkle Sparkle

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"I underestimated you"


Turning I stared at Jareth as he stared at me in annoyance, "You should never underestimate anyone mate, it'll be your down fall"

"Then you'll understand when I turn the clock forward-" a clock appeared next to him and he turns to turn the arrows.

"NO!" I screamed to stop him from turning the clock arm's - but instead I tripped over a rock and flew forwards. My eyes widened as I collided with him.

Both caught in shock I had accidentally tackled him off of the rock he had been perched on before I had tackled him and we tumbled down the hill. Squeezing my eyes shut as we rolled down the hill before we came to a stop. Not wanting to open my eyes I stayed still for a moment before I opened my eyes and stared at Jareth in shock.


Awkwardly we stared at each other before I sat up - still on top of him.

"Sorry about that..." I blushed before I climbed off of the sparkly bloke who still laid on the ground in shock.

"I... i'm going now... bye" I stood and hurried towards the castle while running up the hill - something that is painful and i'm sure it classifies as torture.

"Ah - yeah i'm going to die" I wheeze, putting my hands on my head before I strolled towards the castle.

"Pfft, Goblin King my ass-" the earth underneath my feet started to tremble as I stopped and stared at the ground in shock - what the hell is going on?!

A deep rumbling started and I turned to see - a freaking dragon. Are you kidding me?! There was Dragon in the fucking story!

"Uh-oh" the red Dragon appeared out of the forest to my right and then I turned and started to run towards the castle, "THIS IS SO NOT COOL!" I yelled as I tried to run across the ground.

Why the hell is there a freaking Dragon chasing after me?!

 And then I tripped - again.... I need to work on my gravitational skills really, this is getting unbelievable. I hit the ground and groaned as I shakily pushed myself up onto my knee's, I heard a roar and I whipped around to see the dragon right behind me.

He bends down and gives another roar, but this time it was stinky, ground vibrating one. 

Standing there for a moment, trying not to puke I looked up as his chest heaved up and down - that's when I did something really stupid, just to add to my long list of stupid things i've done - and at the top of that list is, call the Goblin freaking king.

I moved my head up and glared at the dragon before I opened my mouth and screamed, "ROAR!" I continued to hold it for a while until my voice quickly died down and the dragon and I looked at each other - I think we're good now - as soon as I thought that he tried to bite me.

Yelping I jumped out of the way and started running again... god damn this freaking Labyrinth! I'm heading away from his castle now!

Oh well, I can loose this dragon, get Matthew and be home before I know - I just know I can.

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