Chapter 1: Monster

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It was a rainy day in the Valley of Death. Two young shinobi from the village of Konoha were fighting all out on each other.
"Rasengan"  "Chidori"
Could be heard from the distance.

Naruto: POV

I finally did it, I kept my promise to Sakura and maybe just maybe now she will finally go on a date with me. I couldn't help but feel proud of myself, I mean its not everyday you beat the last surviving Uchiha. While trying to carry Sasuke the best I can back to the village. I start to feel weak it was all because of that Chidori, Sasuke managed to shove through my chest at the end of our battle. It hurts a lot and if I keep bleeding out at this rate I won't make it to the village. I take a few more steps before I sense someone approaching. I look up ahead and I see Kakashi sensei running towards me. I felt happy to see him, he could carry both me and Sasuke back.
"Kakashi sensei over here", I waved my hand in the air to signal him where I was. When he got to us he looked at me with that look everyone in the village gave me. It was full of hate and disgust.

"Naruto what have you done to Sasuke" Kakashi sensei asked me.
I stared at him for a moment.
But before I could answer him he took Sasuke from my back and carried him. "Kakashi Sensei could you carry me too" I asked.
He answered almost immediately "I'm sorry Naruto but I have to get Sasuke back to the village fast and you can still stand so you can walk yourself to the village" that's all he said before he poofed away. I walked again for a while but I started to feel heavy and then everything went black.

Sakura: POV

I stare outside of the Konoha gates waiting for Naruto and Sasuke to return. I'm worried, Naruto-Kun hasn't returned yet, yes Kun I fell into deep thought after Naruto left on the mission to bring back Sasuke. And the one who i trully love..... is.............Naruto. I began to think about all the times that Naruto has done things for me, Naruto has risked his life for me. He's been there for me, he might be an idiot but he's my idiot. My dead last, my Naruto. I decided to tell Naruto how I truly felt after he came back with Sasuke. I know he wouldn't go back on his word, he never does. My thoughts were interrupted when Kakashi Sensei came into view from far away, he ran past me with Sasuke on his back. But I didn't care about him I wanted to know where Naruto was, so I just stayed there waiting for Naruto to come.

4 Hours Later

4 hour passed and Naruto was nowhere in sight. I began to worry, why had Kakashi sensei come back with Sasuke just Sasuke and without Naruto. Suddenly there was a poof in front of me and Kakashi sensei came out. "Kakashi sensei what happened with Naruto and Sasuke"  I asked worriedly waiting for his answer.

"Sakura...I'm sorry to tell you that Sasuke is in critical condition, it seems that Naruto and Sasuke fought. Naruto left Sasuke in critical condition, if I hadn't rushed Sasuke back to the village he could've died" Kakashi sensei spoke as I listened with anger rising how could Naruto do this to Sasuke, his best friend.

I suddenly noticed someone approaching us and it was Naruto I immediately ran to him and punched him straight in the face sending him crashing to a tree that was nearby I walked up to him grabbed him by his collar. I had to get a point to him."Naruto how could you hurt Sasuke like that, is this your meaning of bringing Sasuke back. It seems to me you wanted him dead because in the state you left him its hard not to believe you wanted him dead. He is your best friend for gods sake. Or is he not??. Don't even answer that, you know what the villagers are right you are a Demon, a monster how could you do that to your best friend monster why don't you just leave and never come back it would do all of us such a huge favor" I said still angry from the fact that he put Sasuke, his best friend in a critical condition. I looked at him and I suddenly felt bad, bad for what I had just said to him. His eyes were wide open with tears streaming down from them he looked.......broken. I mentally slapped myself for being such an idiot to tell him stuff like that I was about to apologize but his lips started to move "I'm sorry Sakura......... I don't know what I did wrong. If I hurt Sasuke I didn't mean it I swear I know you love him and him only that's why I made you a promise to bring him back no matter what. And I guess I kept it..... just not the way I imagined it. I'm truly sorry if I hurt Sasuke. I don't even have the right to call him my best friend, if I left him in critical condition that put his life in balance. And I guess your right I am a demon, a monster. And if it makes you happy that I leave....then...I will." He said in low voice as he got out of my grip and started to walk off past me. I couldn't say anything back not after what I said to him. But I still felt the urge to, I turned around about to call his name and apologize but I was met with a slap across my face. I stared at the ground wide eyed for a moment before I started to hear someone talking to me id recognize that voice anywhere it was Ino "Sakura how could you, Naruto loves you... Sakura how could you say that to him do you not feel bad about it at all. He risked his life for your precious Sasuke or did you not notice that huge hole in Naruto's chest that was obviously made by Sasuke's Chid ....NARUTO" Ino yelled rushing toward Naruto's falling body. I couldn't move I was frozen.....hurt that I had said such things to Naruto I stared at Ino picking up Naruto and rushing to the hospital with him on her shoulders. I stared at him and Ino was right there was a hole in Naruto's chest........and it resembled Sasuke's Chidori. This made me feel even more guilty I was so focused on what Naruto did to Sasuke I didn't even look at what had happened to him. I standed there before collapsing on my knees crying. I had just hurt Naruto ...I called him a monster but he resembles nothing that of a monster he's the kindest warm hearted guy I know and I had called him a demon, a monster. The boy I loved how could he love me back now, I had just hurt him. I stayed there crying until it got late and I decided to go home, I walked home feeling guilty for what I had just done. When I got home I stayed up laying on my bed thinking about what i could tell Naruto so he could forgive me until I drifted off to sleep.

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