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Tori's POV

"Your lazy Chris" I said trying my best to push him off the bed but it didn't work.

"I know I am. If I wasn't lazy I wouldn't be Chris. Now would I?" He said pulling the covers over his head.

"Whatever. The next time Christian Cries just now its your turn" I laid back down and drifted back asleep because it was only 5 in the morning.

3 Hours Later

I got up at 8 looking like a just got attacker by a homeless person. I get up early because I have to do my Hygiene then take care of Christian and make breakfast for me And Chris.

But this morning when I woke Chris wasn't still laying here as he usually was. I did my business and then I checked Christian's room, and he want there.

Then I went down to kitchen, his second favorite place to be, and there Chris was in his underwear and shorts feeding Christian.

"Oh my god" I was in shock to see him up. I mean it's to early for Chris.

"What. You said I was lazy. That means I'm not meeting your needs. And if I'm not meeting your needs then I'm not meeting my sons' needs. That means I need to improve on my daddy skills basically. So that's what I'm doing" He stated then smiled at me and went back to making airplane noises and feeding Christian.

I was about to start breakfast when I turned around to Chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream and chocolate syrup on them. And I saw bacon and eggs. And Sausage.

"Is this for me? How? How did you do this?" I asked in complete shock

"Don't worry about it. And taste it. It's my first time making pancakes." He said looking at them.

As I tasted I moaned because it was good. Well damn, it was better than mine.

"I told you, I'm Jesus in the bedroom and in the kitchen" he said and he started walking behind

"But I like that moan you let out. You wanna let out some more?" He asked kissing my neck.

I almost let a moan slip, but then I remembered my baby was there. He doesn't need to be exposed to this right now.

"Ohhh Chris stop it, look he's hitting the table he wants you to keep feeding him" I said laughing because by now he had made a mess trying to eat himself.

"Looks like I have a mess to clean up" I said getting up but Chris stopped me.

"Nope. I got it. I will clean it up. Worry about eating what's in the front of you and something else later" he smirked at me

"Your nasty" I said turning back to the food.

"Only for you" he said feeding Christian

By the time I was done eating, Chris had just finished cleaning up the mess Christian made. Then he had put Christian in his play pin. But all he did was focus on "Blues Clues" and bite on his blanket.

"You full fat girl or you want some more?" Chris asked standing over me.

"No I'm full" I just wanted a nap.

"You look sleepy. But you just woke up like a hour ago." Chris said laughing

"Yuuup but I ate so much it made me tired" After I said that he picked me up carried me to the living room.

He sat on the couch and I put my head on his shoulder. And the blanket that we always left folded up on the couch he put it over me.

"Take a nap." Then he said. "It doesn't look like he'll be going to sleep anytime soon" he laughed at Christian because he looked so energized. Meanwhile I'm here laying on Chris like a lazy old person because I ate to much.

Chris POV

Lately I have been lazy. Not gonna lie. I admit it. And I get if she feels like most of the baby struggles are on her. But it's not. I Do what I have to do for my son. But it looks like Im going to have to do more. And I will. I'll surprise her and show her what I can do as her man and a daddy.

Even though I'm daddy both ways😏

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I Think I Like My Bully: A Chris Brown Story //Soon Be completed//Where stories live. Discover now