Cross my heart

35 2 1

Violets pov

I slowly walk

I can still hear my screams,still feel the knife slowly slice open my throat

But worst of all I can still see it.All of it .The way he walked up to me the way he seemed so helpless,so friendly,so safe.

The way he was so careful not to scare me away ,the way he ever so suddenly led me to his van without even breaking a sweat

I keep walking,going deeper into the woods

It's so cold.I look up to the sky to see the sun shining brightly there's not a cloud in sight

"Why is it so cold"I whisper to myself as I pull my shall around me tighter

I come out of the woods to find myself in a small town

There's many people around me but no one seems to notice me

Then I see that one boy does.

He's about my age with blonde hair and dark blue eyes

He doesn't speak.he doesn't move.

He just stands there and stares

I slowly start to walk towards him

That's when he turns around and runs away

Cross my heartWhere stories live. Discover now