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Hey It's me Rachel :D Okay this is my first attempt at writing a ghost/mystery story... Tell me if I should continue or not to... Please and Thanks



As I sat there I began to notice all the people gathered around me. I was confused at first but started to think why I should care. So I sat there as people would come, cry, and leave. It wasn't till my mother came and cried that I began to wonder. What's going on and why is everyone crying near me. That's when I noticed my surroundings. I wasn't at my apartment. I was at a church in a casket.

Chapter One

Flash back

"No way!" I said to Clair. "Tell me exactly what he said!"

"Okay, he said that he saw you in class one day and was going to ask you out but was afraid that you already had a boyfriend! At first I was speechless because not only was Eric Lee speaking to me; you were speaking to me about you!" I could literally see the excitement in the air as Clair, aka my best friend, told me about her meeting with the cutest guy at college.

"No way! Well Clair you do know there is more than one Avery in his class. Well I think there is at least. So you don't know if he was talking about me or not." I said with false sadness for I knew that I was the only Avery in his class.

"Come on Avery, you've got to be kidding. Like I've said before you never see yourself clearly. I wouldn't be surprised if all the guys at school wanted to go out with you!" said Clair.

"Says the girl that has had 10 boyfriends with in the last month!" I accused.

"Well you know what they say! A girl has to have variety." Said Clair.

"Well I'm going to go to bed. Good night, see you tomorrow in class!" I said.

"Yup, see you tomorrow!" said Clair still excited about our previous conversation.

I hung up the phone and went into my bedroom. The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was a face I had thought I imagined.

End of Fashback

Chapter 2

As I remember this little detail, a detail I had once thought of as my imagination, I felt stupid and sad. I should have known that I couldn't have imagined such a horrible, distraught face. I felt sad because I had let down everyone I have ever loved or might have loved. Than I gasped as I made sense of it all, the man's face, the casket, the crying. I was dead. I was dead and that killer was alive.

This made me mad. How dare he come in to my life and ruin it and still survive! No one had the right to do that! I had no clue how but I was going to bring this man to justice, even if it kills me. Okay probably not the best choice of words but still. I was going to find a way to get revenge not only for my life but for the ones he had hurt when he took mine.

As I tried to get up I noticed that I wasn't sitting anymore. I was more like floating above it. Have I been like this all along? No, I don't think so. What happened to everyone? The only people left in the church were Clair, my parents, and the priest. Everyone else was gone was at the door looking very melancholy waiting for my parents and my friend. That's when I noticed why everyone was looking in my direction. Eric Lee was standing over my casket looking wide eyed and just plain sad.

I wanted to just reach over and touch him but when I did I felt a shock run through me. Well that just sucks! I can't even touch the guy I once liked. I felt sad again. I can't even touch my parents, my friend, anyone! Well seriously how many other rules are there and why can't someone just explain it? That's when I felt a shiver run through my body. That was strange. I'm a ghost. How can I be cold? That's when I noticed the dead looking guy in the corner. When he looked at me, his eyes were a deep emerald. It was that stare that made me shiver again.

His hair was jet black, the kind that only super models have. His eyes were a deep emerald like I said. His skin looked flawless, no kidding. This guy looked like something that you would find on a runway, not at a funeral. When he stared at me I suddenly felt smaller. As if I didn't belong to be in his presence. This didn't scare me though, it was just intimidating.

As he held my gaze I noticed how everything changed and I was back in my apartment staring into that man's face. I realized immediately that I wasn't really there. I was just remembering it but it felt so real that I started to believe that my death was just a horrible day-dream. Sadly I knew this was wrong when the guy with the emerald eyes should up. I knew that he was the only real thing in this world. The rest was simply just an illusion. The man's face started to dim away as I fell into unconsciousness.

I suddenly felt pain in the lower part of my skull. It felt as if a needle was penetrating it. The pain was unbearable. When I open my eyes I could only see the outline of my window, the rest was black. I heard crying that I knew was mine but I also heard something else. It was kind of like a grunt. I was so focused on that sound that I didn't notice when I slipped into unconsciousness again.


That's it for now! Tell me if I should write more or if I should stop. I'm not very good at writing so I know that this won't be the best. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Please comment on what I should do or what I shouldn't have done. Thank You!!!


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