The Sydney harbour bridge goes to the hyperdome

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The Sydney harbour bridge was taken to the hyperdome by his parents; Alex and Amber. On the way there they pulled over to jump and fuck a leaf. After completing that they drove for another 6 hours before arriving at the hyperdome. Once they got out of the car the Sydney harbour bridge ran straight towards the closest shop he saw which was hot topic. Once he stepped into the store his eyes fell onto the most fabulous toilet paper he's ever seen, and he knew he had to buy it. The harbour bridge walked up to the toilet paper and looked at the price tag with lust before running up to the counter and buying it straight away. Once it was lunch time the harbour bridge was very sad so he walked briskly to the food court. While looking around he spotted his best friend the bus, running up to the bus he enveloped him into a hug filled with anger. The bus asked "hey mate, you hungry?" And the Sydney harbour bridge replied with "sure." So the two ran up to Taco Bell and quickly ordered ice cream. The two sat down with their ice cream and devoured it in less that 5 seconds. After their ice creams they met up with Alex and Amber who said they had eaten poo and morning wood. The Bus asked what the time was in which Alex answered with "9 in the afternoon!" Amber then belted out with the most putrid voice "and you're eyes are the size of the moon!". "Shut the fuck up!" Said the bus. With rage sketched across her face Amber said that they were now leaving and told the Sydney harbour bridge to say goodbye to the bus. After farewells were exchanged the family left the bus at the hyperdome and drove home. It took 16 hours to get home but it was worth it because they were all extremely tired. The Sydney harbour bridge fell onto his bed with a smile of his face knowing that today was a horrid day.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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