Prologue- Way Back When

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It was like we were one person; hearts beating in perfect time and taking each breath in sync. Both of his hands were planted securely on my hips to hold me close, the only reason I was still standing.

I didn't mind.

His lips were gentle and then hard, kissing mine with a passion and a sweetness that made my toes curl. My hands were tangled in his hair, fingers trailing to caress his jaw and cheek.

I'd never been kissed quite like this. I'd never met a boy who could make me feel like I was on top of the world.

It was a chilly night for the beginning of June, and I wasn't wearing anything except my white sundress and sandals. But between his arms and the heat of the moment, we could have been standing on the equator and it wouldn't have made a difference. Warmth was coursing through my veins. All of my senses were heightened and focused purely on him, the way he smelled like soap and cologne, the feeling of each of his hands branding a mark on my skin. They slid a little bit lower, and the current of electricity between us sparked.

I turned my head just the slightest bit to the side to catch my breath, but it caught in my throat as his lips caressed their way along my jaw to my ear. His breath fanned my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. I pressed my body impossibly closer.

"Congrats," he murmured, pulling back just enough for me to see the starlight reflecting in his hazel eyes. "Welcome to the college world."

I tilted my jaw up and as he leaned down to kiss me again, one hand cupping my face, the world stopped.

It was the night I graduated from high school. We were in a field next to his truck somewhere in middle-of-nowhere North Carolina, too wrapped up in each other to notice anything other than the moon and the stars.

It was perfect. Unforgettable. 

Unfortunately, everything was about to change.


Hello, and welcome to my newest story!!! I took a long (almost two years? what?) break from Wattpad, but I'm SO excited to be back and share this with you.

Please let me know what you liked (or what you hated) about the prologue because it's a HUGE help to me. Seriously guys, I appreciate it so much!

Much love, and see you soon with the next update!

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