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Ever twisted a lock of her loosely curled reddish purple hair between her fingers as her eyes skimmed the black chalk board behind the counter. She had never stepped foot in a place like the one she had just stumbled upon. It was a new and somewhat frightening experience, but exhilarating in so many fantastic ways.

"Ma'am?" A gentle baritone voice brought her from her reverie.

She blinked quickly, taken aback as her eyes glimpsed the smiling stranger that stood behind the counter. "Ahh." She mumbled as she glanced to the board behind him once more, reading the squarish letters that made up the menu. "I suppose..." Biting her lip, she tucked her hair behind her ear and averted her eyes to the counter that separated them, gently placing one hand on the polished wood as she contemplated her options. "Whatever you recommend is fine."

An easy smile could be heard in the stranger's voice as he spoke, revealing some random drink Ever had never heard of. After a few clicks on the register, the stranger spoke again. "Your name, ma'am?"

Ever opened her mouth and raised her eyes to meet the stranger's, only to find herself lacking the words that usually came so easily.

His eyes were the most brilliant shade of blue Ever had ever seen. It was as though someone had captured the entirety of the ocean, poured it into two small orbs, and placed those orbs in the stranger's skull. The color was gorgeous upon the first glance, but with just a second's worth of inspection, one could see the teal green flecks accenting the darker blue leading to the conclusion that the windows to the stranger's soul were nothing short of awe inspiring. There were worlds captured in those orbs, and the moment Ever's eyes met his, she saw a new world—a new life.


"Ever." It hung in the air, almost like a question waiting to be snatched and used.

The stranger furrowed his brow slightly before his features softened into a look of curious amusement. "Ever." He repeated, seeming to roll her name around on his tongue. He then turned and began making whatever drink he had decided on for her, leaving her to muse in her own private world of thought.

The soft thud of styrofoam on wood drew her back out of her thoughts and to the stranger who once again captured her eyes with his. "For Ever." His voice was soft, another question that hadn't been used.

Ever reached for the cup, and, for a moment, their fingers brushed. She saw her world.

She saw him.

"Your name, sir?"

There was a soft chime, the door opening but not gaining either of their attentions.


Ever smiled, amused at the dream-like name. "Morpheus."

He was nothing more than a stranger, but her soul knew his. She opened her mouth to speak, but those ocean eyes went wide with fright as he grabbed her wrist too tightly, a burning sensation teasing her fingers.

"Ever." His voiced trembled, inciting a fear Ever had never known.

Then there was a click behind her head, something cold pressed against her skull. "Put the money in the bag." It was then she noticed the open duffle bag that had knocked over her drink on the counter.

Those ocean eyes didn't leave hers as the new life that'd been so close she could almost taste it slowly slipped from her reach, replaced by the cold vice grip of emptiness the future held on her.

She closed her eyes and smiled at her luck. "Forever."

And then the world disappeared.

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