Mystical elf's fluttered for a second as she was called out of her card, as usual she was in her praying position, ears perked for the command of her master, although a scent in the air was making it quiet hard to focus, making her want to stand and search for the smell. Struggling to remain still she heard her master say "The eyeshadow is based on pheromones, chemicals which attract the opposite sex. It works on men...not women!"
Mystical elf groaned and thought to herself "What kind of heteronormative bullshit is this. What was that saying Dark Magician Girl used once? That she was to gay for this? Yes that was it! She really resonated with that phrase right not."
She stood up and stretched blowing a kiss at the delectable smelling harpy sisters and took an offensive position, throwing a wink at the girls for good measure, her master watched, mouth gaping. "Wh- wa- HUH?!"
Mystical Elf rolled her eyes while the harpy ladies master laughed and said "You go Elf! No room for this heteronormatizing junk in Duel Monsters! And Yugi? It's called being gay, and it's glorious."
Mystical elf/harpy ladies because reasons
FanfictionI'm tired and it's late, but I have a new ship